Played it for 15h and shelved it for now. You constantly have to re-calibrate the motion controls (at least on Switch, never played the Wii version) and that just throws you off. The bad pacing on top kills it for me. A shame, because I really liked what I saw of the big dungeons, but the overall package is just insufferable at times. Might pick it up again at a later point.

Great game! Never played the orignal, but this was my second 2D Zelda and while it never reached the quality of ALBW for me, it was still a really good game!

One of the best games of all times imo and my favorite 2D Zelda to date (2024). Dungeons, puzzle and boss fights are superb! They implemented the 3D perfectly, so make sure you play it on a 3DS.

Played it in 2021 and it still holds up. These games are just timeless and will always play great. Really hard at times, but would recommend to anyone that likes the genre!

Played it right after Zero mission and loved it! They modernized the 2D combat brilliantly.

This is a masterpiece, only blemished by the fetch quest at the end that requires endless backtracking. Just use a guide for that and get it over it. Other than that, it's one of the best games I've ever played. I hope they also remake 1 and 2!

I played through it in 2023 for the first time. Graphics still hold up and I can see why people loved it back in the day, but for someone that's new to the franchise, it's really clunky, unforgiving and unfair at times. I'd like to see a new Remake like they did for 2, 3 and 4 recently.

Never played the original, but I loved this one! No horror game ever stressed me out this much (maybe Alien Isolation). Mr. X is awesome!

Really good horror game and a good soft-relaunch for the franchise. Didn't like the Goo-Monsters.

An all time classic. My favorite game of 2023.

Not quite as good as World, but that's simply due to the more "arcady" approach to the game's design. I get why they did it, since it's a portable game at heart, but I prefer MHW.

Perfect game. The true successor to Dark Souls 1.

It's as if someone tried to copy Dark Souls, but didn't really understand what made it so great or was unable to replicate that.
For some reason the only game in the series with 8-directional movement. Level design, graphics, art direction and art style, soundtrack and boss design is also the worst in the series.

Still a good game because the foundation is so strong, but in the context of FromSoftware's other games an absolute disappointment.

Probably one of the most influential games ever. The DLC made up for the unfinished parts imo. An all-time classic.

If it wasn't for some unfinished parts of the game, I'd consider it 10/10. The DLC kinda made up for that tho. I've played through it at least 10 times. Maybe one of the most important games ever.