I don't know how someone can like this. Braindead button mashing, runs bad, long loading times. I tried it and couldn't make out a single good thing about this game, why it has a fan base or why this ever got a remake. No wonder this was 2$.

Played it on release. Ran at like 26 fps on PS4, story wasn't anything special, had massive input lag and was buggy. Looked great tho.

Liked this one the most from the series so far.

Just as good as the first one imo.

Holds up okay. Story is good, gameplay is a bit dull.

For what it is, a perfect game and an all time classic.

Great Stealth game. Disappointing half-baked story.

A nice little gameplay demo for MGS V.

Good game, okay story. Fighting big Mecha Dinos is amazing.

Didn't like the characters, but I liked it as an interactive B-Movie.

Really great game. Nemesis System was awesome.

Short, under developed game. A sequel could have been great. Graphics were mind blowing back in the day.

Has some pacing issues. It takes too long to get to the flame thrower and is too long overall. Would be a perfect 8h game, but for some reason it's 20h.