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pat_51 completed No More Heroes
Enter the garden of madness. The first time I played this game, I fell in love with it. I love how quickly-paced the gameplay is, those crazy ass assassins. Hell, you even play as some fucking weeb with a damn lightsaber. Please, give this game series a shot.

12 days ago

pat_51 followed popku

12 days ago

pat_51 completed Hotline Miami
My older brother introduced me into this, I remember having so much trouble yet, so much fun. I loved playing this game and I remember a few memories of my brother helping me out. Jacket was one of my favorite protagonists and still is to this day. Excellent game, excellent story and all.

12 days ago

pat_51 completed No More Heroes III
I'm going to be honest, this game was a total trip of mixed emotions for me. The combat is slower than 2. I don't like how Henry is a whole damn different person now, it's probably cause I haven't played Travis Strikes Again. Plus, I think they overdid too much with everything. They went more with style over substance. They could've made the combat feel better, hell even 2s' combat feels a hell of a lot more better. Overall, this game was just not for me, man.

12 days ago

pat_51 followed alyx724

12 days ago

pat_51 completed Bust A Groove
Such a fun and enjoyable game. I love that it's so memorable once you actually try it out, I wish to become a pro dancer now.

12 days ago

pat_51 completed No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
Simply such a charming game with infinite replay value. I always play this game whenever I am bored. The soundtrack's great, so many things over about it is just wonderful.

12 days ago

pat_51 completed Manhunt 2
To be honest, this game was quite fun, though when I played it I actually felt sick. I would get nauseous over the soundtrack. The executions also made me feel sick, but aside of that it is quite a game.

12 days ago

pat_51 completed Jet Set Radio Future
Once again, another 5. This game has left me very speechless haha. I always find myself coming back to replay it over, and over! The visuals, gameplay are always so charming. I can't ever get tired of this game, ever.

12 days ago

pat_51 completed Killer7
Greatest game I have ever played, the story is so weird in a fucking great way. The characters, gameplay and puzzles are all so clever and unique, Goichi Suda is a fucking genius. Thank you, Suda.

12 days ago

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