132 Reviews liked by pex

as of the weekend 1 update, the game is fun but needs more depth for later songs instead of them just being slightly faster and more notes

shows the insane quality roblox games can achieve if devs dont decide to make skibidi pomni anime fighting game simulatiors

super fun and short singleplayer movement shooter. makes u feel like a total badass in the process of shredding waves

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com calma e jeito se chega no c* de qualquer sujeito

"Love will tear us apart" is the perfect way to describe this and it's also one of the rawest slogans ever lol.
I'm too weak to an author's self indulgence i'm afraid, and for me this is the peak of that when it comes to videogames, sitting between that indie personality and its status as an iconic franchise.
Shoutout to the gameplay being pretty good!! i missed some of the game design from the previous games due to the way this one is structured, but it leaves the tedious stuff for side content so i dont really mind and those are fun to play as well so it balances out i suppose.
Its new perspective on its characters and themes is actually kinda perfect, and while i think the first games' are a lighting in a bottle type of case with their cynicism and critique, this here is the result of years of legacy and experiences coming together and going all out in the most maturely juvenile expression there is.
You can tell the vision here was constrained by budget and lack of focus sometimes, but that doesn't undermine how beautiful it is that this game even exists in the first place.
At the end of the day there's nothing quite like seeing creatIve minds having fun and being at their best again.



Back in 2017, I bought this game alongside the Digital Devil Saga duology and Vagrant Story. I happened to find it at a convention and knowing I had just played Automata that year and loved that, I figured I'd pick it up. I honestly didn't even know there was a NieR game before Automata at the time, so I was pretty surprised. I started playing it, got up to seafront and had no idea how to fish and then promptly dropped it. Fast-forward to 2021, I see that a remake of the version with Brother NieR was releasing soon and I decided to go back and actually beat this game. I play through the entirety of it (besides ending D) and thought it was great, though I did have some issues with it that held it back from me loving it more than Automata. Fast-forward again to this year, I had planned to replay Automata for a while now and decided that November would be the month to do so. Before that though, I decided I wanted to replay Gestalt and see if I ended up liking it more now. Well seeing my updated rating, I'm sure you can see how I felt. This game is honestly not objectively perfect but it does certain things so well and I love it so much, that I can't give it anything less than a 10/10.

So the thing people like about NieR the most is the story. When I played it in 2021, I thought the story was good but overrated. I also somehow missed the gestalt documents at the end of the game, so that plus appreciating the story as a whole a lot more, made me realize it really is peak. A big part of the story being amazing too, are the different endings you can get. Ending A is great but the game really comes together when you go through route B. Some things get revealed to you at the end of Route A, and so there's a bunch of little changes in Route B that flip your perspective on what was going on and I just love it. You're basically replaying the 2nd half of the game all over again but because of all those little changes, I had no issue with it. There's also ending C and D and the route for those is basically the exact same as B, only the ending changes. The endings for those are great (especially ending D, holy shit does that ending feel impactful) however I can see how it would get tedious for someone playing considering it's pretty much all of the same content as route B. Either way, the story is just fantastic I think and definitely better than I once thought.

Though, the story is not actually my favorite aspect of the game. My favorite aspect is the main cast. Honestly may be my favorite cast in any game ever tbh, I love all of the main 4 so much and think they complement each other perfectly.
Weiss and Kaine are always throwing insults at each other, Weiss is always complaining about NieR's tendency to just help someone no matter what, Emil has a great affection towards NieR as seen later in the game, Emil and Kaine get along well because they both see themselves as outcasts...there's a lot of different character dynamics going on and when it's all 4 of them together they just make the perfect JRPG team imo.

The other big thing I absolutely loved was the OST. When I initially beat the game, I realized that the OST was really good but as time passed, I kept coming back to certain songs. I was listening to Gestalt's soundtrack more than Automata's and now that I've beaten it again, I can confidently say I 100% like it more than Automata. It's honestly just perfect and probably in my like top 3 Game OST's ever now. Stand out songs for me are Grandma, Emil Karma and it's other variant, Song of the Ancients, Shadowlord and more. The music is just top tier.

Another thing I really love is the gameplay changes that happen throughout the game. Besides your normal combat, there's also little sections that change things up. There's several 2D sections throughout, there's a forest area that plays out like a Visual Novel, the first visit to Emil's Mansion is basically Resident Evil with its semi-spookiness and fixed camera angles, Emil's Mansion's basement gives you this top down view that plays like Diablo, not to mention most of the bosses area bullet hells. There's just a lot of variety in the gameplay and really makes the game feel fresh.

Speaking of the core gameplay though, let's talk about the combat and the other "flaws" I see this game having. The combat...compared to more flashier, fast paced action games is lackluster. I remember it was a big issue to me when I initially played the game, but honestly it grew on me a bunch and I learned to enjoy it now. I don't think the game ever really needed super flashy complex combat and so I think it gets the job done. Plus there's something I enjoy about how chunky the combat can feel, idk I said the same thing about Yakuza 1 and the same thing applies here too.

My other biggest issue back then, and this was purely just a me thing, was I didn't like the world and it's aesthetic nearly as much as Automata's. The post-apocalyptic world in that game was my absolute favorite aspect when I played, and so to go from that to this was disappointing back then. I still much prefer Automata's world but I honestly do enjoy Gestalt's now. It's far from my favorite gaming world, though I also don't play it for that so it also gets the job done I think.

A couple small issues I did actually have with the game this time around were the bloom effects in some areas and the Exp system. I think the bloom in seafront and the fog effect in the northern plains can look kinda ugly at times, I'm sure that's probably fixed in the remake so that's really only a Gestalt issue. I also disliked how if Kaine or Emil got the finishing blow on a normal enemy, you missed out on any Exp. I hope that got changed in the remake because it can kind stink when playing here. I can also see why people would dislike all the backtracking, hell I was getting a bit burnt out myself going for ending C and D lol. But overall, I think the backtracking to old areas isn't as bad as people say. The area you go back through the most is the junk heap and even then, that area isn't too long and has banger music so I had no problem going through it several times.

Last time I played, I only did a few of the side quests that were needed to get every weapon for the latter endings. This time around, I did every single one...and while they could get very fetch-questy, I enjoyed them overall. A lot of the time there's some voiced Weiss/NieR dialogue that makes the entire quest worth it imo. The best quests overall were I Facade I thought. Most of those were very memorable, alongside the lighthouse lady ones of course.

I did also get a chunk of the trophies I was missing before, the big one being the Lunar Tear one. That definitely took a bit of effort on my part but once I finally got it, it was pretty satisfying. I still have the speedrun trophy and the weapon upgrade trophies to get so maybe I'll do those on my next replay who knows.

So yeah, is the game perfect? As I pointed out, there are some issues I can see others having and there are even some things I still wasn't a fan of in this game. But the absolutely peak story and especially peak cast and OST, just makes me want to give it a 10 and that's what I'll do for the time being. The game has a lot of heart and I think it's worth playing if you haven't already.

Anyways, next is Automata and it's been even longer since I last played that so I'm hyped to see if I'll still love it as much as I did six years ago!

Also sorry if this review is incoherent at all, writing this at 3 AM randomly lole.

Took me a while to come to terms with my disappointment. The original was such a formative game for me in my mid teens and this one just doesn't live up to it. It's not really much of a survival horror, it's actually quite easy in most cases.

It's story is quite grim in a way that I personally didn't care for, it's trying to be "The Return" to the original Twin Peaks but it's missing that introspection that made the return so powerful. It's there to an extent, just not nearly as much as I'd like.

They catfished me with Moxxi into playing this DLC.
I thought that maybe it would be more fun with other players but I was wrong. Literally put me to sleep. Just skip this DLC, will you?

Start of a great journey. It was simple yet entertaining. I miss these kinds of simple but unique games. Good old 'office games' era was peak.
Anyways, here is a link to my Archive account where you can access this game and many more: https://archive.org/details/@devilstrident

In theory I love almost every concept this game offers, but the way it was put together was just a pretentious mess. The musical scene was genius though.

I'm gonna be completely honest about this game, I LOVED IT, but it has a BIG problem. It's difficulty design...
Hear me out, this game has long ass dungeons, some of them are criptic and you have to figure out yourself how to beat them. Nothing problematic for sure, BUT, you literally have 1 save point, the inn.
So, the developers expects you to wander around most of the dungeons, like a decapitated chicken, busting your brains out figuring what to do or getting annihilated with the difficulty of some other dungeons, being because of some op enemies or because poor plataforming, and if you die YOU HAVE TO START FROM THE INN ALL OVER AGAIN.
And I know that the checkpoint chests exists, still they are pretty far away from some difficult dungeon parts, and if you die you'll have to start slightly closer than in the inn.
And talking about criptic, how the hell are you suppose to know how to beat the final boss? I had to look it up and there's no way someone could beat that without a guide.

Like I dunno to which audience this game aims, you would think it would be for childrens because of the goofy and cute dialogue and aesthetic, but then they kill you with it's brutal game design.

Still, even after all this rant I still enjoyed and loved this game, it has a lot of possitives too, from charming characters, to unexpected twists and really good mechanics for it's time.
If you love classic action RPGS and specially if you love Squaresoft games, then I recommend it to you, if I wasn't trying to be objective this game would be a 4 to me.
But if you play it, please, do it with save states and a guide if you respect your time.

One small extra rant WITH SPOILERS:
I don't get why they choose to put those loser thieves as bosses instead of Bubbles, Gingerelle and Roothrick (although I enjoyed Topo's fight).
Like Jon saved those guys from poverty, why would he risk their lives? wasted potential...

First GOTM finished for January 2022. There were some neat ideas here, and it looks quite good for a 3D game from its time, but the platforming was unforgiving and the saves were pretty spaced out causing replays of some areas. The voice acting was also pretty poor (save for one well known VA). I would consider this to be a bad game, and I'm not interested in coming back.

Well, it managed to be an experience to say at least. I feel like I could've appreciated this game more had I played it when it first came out, but I never did and now over 20 years later it's showing it's age pretty badly.

Mushashi starts out really solid, the first chapter is truly a blast to play through. There's some basic high-action platforming, easing into the game's unique assimilation-mechanic, cool robot boss and a kickass soundtrack. However, after the tutorial ends you find yourself in a somewhat open world with day/night - cycle, exhaustion bar and a goal to save the world.

Now, the RPG elements didn't bother me that much. They were hindrances at times, but it was easy to play around them and the game didn't really punish you for taking some prolonged tlc breaks. It kinda left them feel pointless if I'm completely honest, but at least it was nice to have an option to skip the time until the village's fishmonger does his midday butt-scratching and progresses story.

What really annoyed me was the platforming. Musashi really suffers from the early 3D-platforming with stupid camera angles and confusing hitboxes. On top of that, every time you jump in this game, the character does this little slide upon landing, which can sometimes throw you off the platform completely. Then, just as you're ready to pass on the game, it gives you double jumping, which makes platforming so easy you wonder if the devs realized how janky it was and decided to give you a break.

Musashi also really drags during the middle parts, especially in chapter 4 and 5. The story introduces new characters for the sake of introducing new characters to the plot and the fetch quests are really starting to grind at that point. Fortunately the last level brings it all around with the same type of action you saw in the first chapter and manages to make the game end on a high note. Musashi also has a banger of a soundtrack worth checking out.

I... Remember this being a lot better?
Playing it now just kinda felt like ass.