a very competent stealth game with some minor performance issues, but i was surprised at how many ways there was to solving a problem.
this beats the first splinter cell by miles actually.

i recomend this to anyone who enjoys some good stealth arcade.

i vibe with the ending quite a lot, there is something about existentialism and identity that resonates with me

(PC - Free)

rest in peace Wertpol..

What i liked :
(there will be spoilers)
- somehow i feel this game is more important than i give it credit forits one of the many games from my edgy phase that made me appreciate those small weird experiences, started with me being a snotty child watching markiplier.


-there are only 2 feelings with this game, panic and anxiety.

- characters, literally 4 characters, and they are all memorable, this game is short, give it a try, you can finish it within 30 minutes

this is one hell of a rabbit hole to delve into, for starters, unfortunally the creator of this game has commited suicide, man, what a shock it was when i learned about it, i have no idea what he had been through, and honestly i am scared of delving into this rabbit hole, but one thing i can say for certain, he expressed himself, went foward and created something that will be eternal, he left his legacy here with us, and for that i am eternally grateful, so many potential artists and great minds die before having the courage to charge forth with their ideas.
if you are one of those bealtiful creative minds that feel trapped, worried about ratings, opinions, please don't be, show the world your ideas, leave your legacy, leave something here so we may know you existed.


Pc - Steam

What i Liked :

i played the first halo (the gearbox port) back when i was around 12, it was the first PC game i've actually completed, so this game is very dear to me on some levels, with that said, this remaster left me surprisingly satisfied, it gave me the same experience plus a little more.

i love how you can tab back and forth between remaster and original graphics, i kept doing it just to see how they changed most areas.

the remastered music is great, they add music to quiet places in a way that add to the experience, i don't know if it was just the gearbox port but the original was very quiet, rarely did i heard some music.

i've seen a very entertaining video talking badly about this anniversary remaster, but after playing, that video is one i have learned to disagree with, this is indeed the best and most accessible way to play the original, if you don't like the remaster graphics, just hit tab and bam, back to the original, you can even turn the remaster music into the original, back at the initial launch of this game, a lot of people complained the original wasn't quite like the actual original from the og xbox, but i've seen a few videos about updates that they have indeed fixed a lot of things to make this the definitive experience as well as the closest to the original.

weapons feel good for the most part, i love most of the original shiny old texture and the character models.

again, can't stress enough how cool it is to switch back and forth graphics with a single button

it has multiplayer and unlockables, cool, very cool, ain't playing it but props for adding, it does have coop which i intend to play with my husband eventually, he just has to get the game first, yeah i'm talking to you Yum.

i don't think the mocap makes the scenes so bad like most people say, i found them charming with the funny blocky models with high texture
with all that said..

What i don't like :

these remastered textures feel sooo noisy, everything is busy, a simple wall texture turned into a high sci fi actual wall with tunnels and lots of thingies and everything looks so busy its hard to focus, i definelly didn't like it

performance was strangelly mixed, some areas played great, some areas felt strange, and somehow switching to original did kept the framerate constant but there was a strange slowdown that wans't tied to framerate, it slowed the animation of the characters, but not the game, it was very weird.

this ain't a remaster problem but rather a halo CE problem overall, repetitive maps, infuriating areas and a loooot of confusion when the same map repeats itself for the 15th time, you start to question if youre going in the right direction.

those surprise rocket launcher enemies can eat a dick.

having only two weapons at a time don't sit well with me, specially how SITUATIONAL most of these are.

the game throws gauntlets of enemies at you, shoving more and more artificially difficulting it by increasing the numbers and surprise rocket launcher you.

this is a 6 hour game stretched to be a 13 hour game, you will realize it once you play it.

this has not aged as well as i had expected, my nostalgia googles have been really clouding me lately, but still i like this game a lot for introducing me to pc gaming and piracy hehe, being a child mean't i couldn't buy it, so a few youtubers taught me how to pirate it and it only went worse from there, granted today i can buy games i pirated as a kid to give back the wonderful time i had with these, but in this case... not so wonderful

(i don't usually write side notes at the end but halo CE itself is a 7/10 game, not as legendary as most people say, but this remaster was surprisingly good despite the backlash, i rate it 8/10


What i liked :

+it used to run on anything, any old machine could get this game up and running.

+the sound design and the shooting was satisfying, i'll never forget the meta of the smgs, that rapidly fired like a rifle and had little to no debuff.

+ because of its asian devs, the designs of the skin were very cute and almost anime-like or korean, its something that i find better than its daddy fortnite.

+ it was good while it lasted.

What i dont like :

- Game shut down in 2022, you can no longer play this, some people spent a lot of money in this game, i met some very fun people back then

- anyone could very easily cheat in this game.

- given how this game shut down in 2022, i have to break my rule of only reviewing games i've played from 2023 foward, i do it out of respect for the fun i had with this game before, and also because i am physically unable to play this anymore

(PC - modded)


What i liked :

+ Basically a john wick simulator with a very arcade style.

+ a little more arcade version of arkham combat, its simple yet really flashy, combat feels weighty, each punch feels like the npc felt it in their bones.

+ tons of content for people who like S ranking and 100%, not my thing tho.


+ tons of outfits, even a discount john wick and daredevil.

What i don't like :

- boy does it drags on. it should be at least 10 levels shorter.

- the story is mega corny, but i think that was probably intentional, i mean , two characters are having a heart to heart moment while a npc is garry's mod default dancing in the background.

- i don't care what anyone says, dronney voice is NOT the one in the trailer.

- some silly designs that don't take into account the enemies being able to ragdoll the player around, it gets infuriating.

- i got bored of it after level 27 foward


a very fun shooter hindered by old game design

oh yeah baby it has it all
+Platforming in a fps
+very limited ammo count despite
+respawning enemies, yep even with limited ammo count
+progress halted by collectables, wanna finish the game ? get all the little shinies, they are mandatory.
+a live system, in a game where you die when falling from platforms.
+bullet spongy enemies that replace the normal ones, specially at the end making sure you waste even more of your limited ammo to kill less and less enemies.
+labyrinth level design to make sure youre as disoriented as a mouse, add that with the respawning enemies and limited ammo, see what happens.

nope, i gave up and turned on infinite lives, a cheat already embed inside the game, you unlock it after reaching 10 lives, so the devs knew about it, besides the live system is very redundant when you can just save on a save station and reload to that save station when you lose a life, they are not that far apart, i saw a guy on steam saying the live system is necessary, i mean power to you if you like it brother, but if i can walk around the mechanic using another, i don't see much of a reason for it to exist other than ''it was what the other games where doing at the time''.

still, with all its hassle and annoyance, i still had some fun playing turok remastered, there is something about n64 games that can be some wild jank but still be fun as hell, still, would not play it with lives, specially since i can already avoid it by loading my save

ah ! now i get the sonic appeal.

never actually beat any 3D sonic before, but i did get very close to beating sonic heroes and shadow the hedgehog, didn't get much far into unleashed because my copy got fucky.
this is a lighthearted and fun adventure that kept me smiling for 80% of the gameplay, with sonic that is.
once you change to other characters it becomes gimmicky

tails : same levels but tails gotta prove he's not a bitchboy by racing his fren, who would have though this kind boy was so competitive.

knuckles : same levels but hide'n seek. his entire campaign happens because he forgot not to trust a evil doctor... twice.

amy : unnecessary really.

big : shoutouts to all the devs who wanna make a clunky and unresponsive fishing game mandatory in order to finish the game, there is a special place for yall in satan's lap, practice your lap dancing skills.

gamma : i would be happy if the entire game was just sonic and gamma, because this one is quality, the rest is just quantity, this campaign gets quite dark when you think about it, but cheered me up to finish the game after amy and big nearly made me drop, one from frustration and the other from boredom.

thankfully all of the other campaigns are rather short, with sonic being the largest one (thankfully). which is a good thing because it plays greatly, there are some bugs here and there but i rather play a buggy fun game than a well coded but boring one.
i also finally get the appeal of 3D sonic and why there are so many crazy peps over it, this hits that whimsy childlike feeling while being on that teen edge enough to make almost all peeps get into it.

when people say ''style over substance'' i think they are referring to this game rather than stylized cool well developed indies, this is a clear example of great art and music with downright poor gameplay.
this is a game that thinks being ''Goofy Aah'' is more important than having a enjoyable gameplay, there are like 3 levels with normal gameplay, the rest is gimmick minigames, not even the base game is fun, the shooting feels off and jumping is unresponsive.

it also promotes animal cruelty, you either let puppies die or kill a raven!!
this is the last bad game by Nick Bruty, as he went on to make legends such as MDK and citizen kabuto, honestly i just pushed on to play these bealtiful garbos so i can get to mdk already

a guy had sex while talking to me about the joy of having a muse and writing inspiration. 10\10

as i played city first, coming to this one felt a bif off.
you don't have the quick and snappy movement from the second game nor the more responsive combat. in fact this one felt less polished overall with frame dips, cutscenes failing to load, a pc port that is not barebones, but its almost there, at least mouse is usable.
as for the game itself, its fun, i miss the more fluid gameplay of the second but this felt like a beta version of it.
no matter the game, batman in game mountain shoulders always feels off to me

i'm so so on this DLC, on one hand it explain some minor details and give us some extra fan service as well, on the other did i really need to repeat the entire final act again ?

This review contains spoilers

i love me some mentally unstable gaems !

do not worry, this is not a roguelite, once you get past a very easy to deal with permadeath section, the true story chapters start.
this game is crazy fun and simple with its combat, the story is silly yet enjoyable, i had tons of fun with it, this is also a very polished experience, even in my old weak computer i used to run it at 100 fps, now with the new right it flies away, this is mechanics in its purest form, once you beat it there are the challenges and the multiplayer for you to enjoy, overall this is a great indie that im glad i managed to accompany its growth, i was there since beta when they were launching episode by episode, those who buy it today get the full package, but it was interestling waiting for the monthly episodes with each time the dev trying their hardest to top themselves

i'm begging to enjoy the work of this developer, he has a style of his own, this is some peak sonic child right here.
as for toree himself, i dunno they look like the kind of person who unironically posts ryan goslin memes and ''literally me''

also fak you dev, that jumpscare wasn't cool !!

not-arnold goes to save the president i think ? i don't speak japanese.
this is a fun little arcadey game that i would NOT DARE to play on a actual arcade, games like these make me glad i live in a era where these games are readily available with infinite coins by the devs themselves, because i don't think its humanly possible to not take damage here, this is a coin eater alright.
still its a rapid run-n'-gun with only a bomb button and a shoot button, it has some nice art and some remnants of a story ? there is only one screen with text but its in japanese, overall if you got the capcom arcade collection (which i love, tysm capcom for preserving these arcade titles) you should give it a try, with coinage abuse you can finish it in a lunch break