i like parappa the little guy. i like the franchise. graphics are charming and the lyrics are funny and i think it's a neat little game

i couldn't play the first one bc of the weird hit window on top of emulator delay that always got me to lose. i'm not a very precise rhythm game player. this one is a bit more lenient so i got to complete it :]

i just wish it wasn't as racist tbh AHDSA kinda weird to be talking about how black hair is ugly and bad in a game about rapping... japan make media about rap that's not racist challenge (failed)

a short dyke (just like me fr). really fun game, short indeed but just the right size. (just like me. fr)

i have some issues with the intended resolution, had to turn off the pixel scaling so i could actually play it. which is a shame, bc it's clearly not meant to be played at 1x :[ still the whole ambience feels good enough that you forget about this after a while

it's not difficult or challenging, but climbing still felt rewarding somehow! the whole experience really just felt great

they made a mainline pokemon game that takes most of the things i liked about arceus and throws away most of the things i disliked about older mainline games! yay! first mainline game i actually finished and it was pretty fun

i like the open world part of just hanging around :] i'm still too lazy to battle though. half of the battle gameplay was me asking one of my wives "hey what type is good against this one". i never remember.

great story, really funny characters. literally making a rival whose only braincell is pokemon battling is so funny. music is great, love some dynamic audio

i will however be one of those people: damn the rendering almost ruined this game for me. it's a damn shame the game has all these cool mechanics and story and everything and then you get the final thing running at 15fps and glitching its visuals constantly. i really wish they had the time to work on that. i wish pokemon devs had time, period

yeah sure i did want to try my hand at them when i saw their ads. you got me there. and now thanks to you i got to play them. and i felt nothing. this shit sucks. thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.


the only game we ever needed. maxis managed to mix 5 completely different games into one and it's so so messy but that's what makes it charming. i was not there for the reception of the game so i missed the whole expectations vs reality part of it, i just played it as a kid when it came out and thought wow cool aliens!!! and that's been my impression since then. cool aliens indeed. i just wish i wasn't so bad at the 4th level GSLKDJFG

not the most accurate tycoon game out there nowadays but hey imagine actually being able to predict how the game industry will be like even in a couple years from now! the UI is a bit messy but overall a very charming tycoon game. made a guitar hero clone on it and made millions

felt like playing a very well polished version of the tech demo that was on youtube years ago. which is not bad! i just wish the story felt a bit more interesting. the puzzles are great and the vibes are rancid (positive)

oh what a fun mechanic... the story is really interesting as well albeit simple. i care so much about that cat

the voice acting is extremely ok idk why people got so hung-up on it. i suppose it was unfortunate that the very first lines of the game are focusing on handholding and kinda "umm that happened!"-y while at that


harmonix was constantly trying to create musical experiences where the user could have control over music in a gamified way, which they never really got quite right (freestyle solos in rock band 4 were certainly an attempt)

this was the game where they finally got it right, and like, absurdely right. this makes both for an extremely funny game and also a mostly accurate dj simulator save for the fine details of djing. this is also a great party game as in a game you play at a party

i headcanon this game as a response to neil cicierega and the fact that most of his mashups were done using multitracks that were ripped from rock band games. especially given that all star is one of the tracks available in the base game. make your own mouth album!

and then epic games bought the company and fuser died. which makes sense in a corporate way considering how expensive music licensing can be but... man... glad this was archived and people still keep making customs for it bc it's such a great piece of software

sanctum but more polished! it's everything i liked about the first game but better. and they kept the moonbase alpha text-to-speech so i could still aeiou with friends. i remember doing 4-player sessions of this game with my old friend group and we had a blast with it

such a forgotten little game... i remember getting this one on a bundle a looong time ago and really vibing with it. the premise of mixing fps and tower defense into one game works so well. the text-to-speech is the same as moonbase alpha which made for really funny gameplay. aeiou

hard as hell!!! but really pretty and fun to play. lovely soundtrack. not a casual multiplayer game at all, you both gotta get into this game with the right mindset otherwise it's just frustrating GDSKLJF

would you still love me if i was a rainbow worm wandering through abstract scenarios and meeting little creatures chill style?

playing this on a vita made me wanna replay it on a larger screen (said experience still pending). soundtrack and visuals are both great. very artsy game but still interesting little puzzles. i like this one :]

shock value the game! this is like the butterfly effect (2004) but with more gay people. choices matter but in the way that you're constantly doing trolley problem shit

one thing i'll give the writing some credit for is that it deals with stuff kinda well? it still feels like it does everything for pure shock value but at the end these parts don't feel poorly executed. just uncalled-for. so there's that

gameplay is ok. i think teens are allowed to be annoying so i don't mind the one-liners. there's a lot of deer in this game and i like deer


i think i expected more movement freedom in this game but i ended up kinda liking the linearity of it? makes for a more consistent gameplay with less possible glitches with cat movement and more freedom for the animators to make this cat look and move really good. i love this cat

it's an interesting game lore-wise as well. i think they did something really interesting with robots and whatnot that i rarely see in media. also i'm often driven away by cyberpunk stuff with japanese elements bc as a japanese person this kinda stuff is often reeaaally racist GSDHFH but they weren't too weird with this one. which is a relief

in general hmmm could've been a lot more optimised. it was certainly an unreal engine moment for my computer. but i could say that about so many games at this point