Let me preface this with that I have BIG nostalgia glasses for this game. As a, idk, 10 year old, blasting off enemies' limbs and using cool weapons had me play this game over and over.
Actually, I think that's the review for now. Maybe I should replay it.

It's hard to rate this. The story is unique and interesting. The gameplay though... even when I played it as a child I was soooo bored.

The main story is kinda forgettable, and there's one of the characters who has such an annoying voice I had turn off sound when she spoke.
Wish I could see the real endings but I can't get through the damn final boss on the 8th day. Skill issue.

I love Life is Strange. In retrospect, yes, the first has really cringe dialogue at times, but it truly felt like a modern but unique Twin Peaks.
LIS 2 has better written dialogue and choices that do actually add up to something unlike the first game. However - not much really happens in it? At one point you spend 5 minutes or so clicking buttons to cut marijuana. It also has annoying kid syndrome, which is essentially the selling point.

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I wanted to like this game. DontNod finally has almost believable dialogue (or maybe its bc it's DeckNine, these developers confuse me) and I do enjoy the main character and her powers. But those powers were SQUANDERED on a game where NOTHING happens whatsoever.
I know they can't make life is strange 1 (again-version) but this feels like a badly paced Netflix show about the barely interesting lives of some random village that Netflix know they'll just cancel after a season.
The main character faffs about for like, ACTUALLY 95% of the game doing nothing whatsoever until she has a magical(?) temper tantrum to further the plot a little bit. What tiny amount of plot there is, that is.
How did they spend an entire EPISODE on that damn dungeons and dragons live game involving the whole village and thought that was a good idea? That the player wouldn't strangle wanna strangle the damn kid? I almost deleted the game but I was like "maybe the twist makes up for it". The twist is that it is literally the first person you suspect who is the "bad guy". Hmm, who immediately gives me bad vibes here? Surely this studio wouldn't do that after genuinely shocking reveals in previous games?
They did do that. It made me angry. mxmtoon singing was the only highlight of the whole game.


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The story is pretty good but it wasn't really what I was expecting from the game for the most part. The dual narrative of a dream world and what is happening in the real world would usually mirror each other. However, this is not really the case in Omori, but they instead feel like two separate stories. The real world; excellent. The dreamworld; it wants to be Undertale so bad but it doesn't really get what makes it so good. It kinda dragged on for a bit too long considering there's no much interconnection.
Still slay tho.

It's taking quite a while for this prequel to set up its mysteries, maybe even longer than the original Echo, but I'm excited to see where it goes.

It's like a very mid game but it's still fun