i used to be so down bad
i had this jill valentine poster from re3 in my room when i was younger that every time i got some victory in a game i would point at it and go “yeah baby” (i was like 12 leave me alone). my cousin was over for christmas one time. we were playing halo 3 and i kept beating him in 1v1s and kept doing my little victory routine after each win and that got him so mad that he yelled and started punching holes in the poster causing me to tackle him and start pummeling him with smacks across his face while tears rolled down my eyes. that day i felt a loss of innocence. good game.

great ass game some chick in high school played it on an emulator and she wanted me but i said nah

the most underrated soulsborne game ever made and people forget how awesome this game is. fluted set goated

the logo looks like a giraffe getting head from a guy.

i saw someone give this a 5 but bloodborne a 1 and i want to shoot that guy

im a baiken main. what can i say. i like breasts

i played so much tekken as a kid that at one point in like 4th grade i was getting picked on by a bully at recess and i got so tired of it that i straight up started doing wrestling moves i learned from king’s moveset to the point where a teacher had to pull me off the kid, call my parents, and give me detention

capcom why do you hate this franchise


my teacher got mad at me for playing this on a school computer in like 4th grade

im not joking when i say this is the most underrated fighting game of all time.

an amazing homage to hispanic culture surround death and a fun point and click adventure. honestly never was into the genre but this is a game changer

im not kidding when i say this game scared the shit out of me when i was a baby. fucks hard.

underrated as fuck fighting game. terry bogard is the goat fighting game character

this game made me go back and play the other ones. stellar game. cant wait for rollback.