good, fun, atmospheric as all hell

points lost because of numerous quality of life issues, mid combat, and the less consistent quality of the areas outside spencer mansion (they're still good, but not AS good)

this game suffers from being compared to what came after--RE2R basically solves everything I DON'T like about this game so despite the fact that RE1 does some things really really well, it still lands at 7/10 for me

(EDIT: honestly, as I sit on this game, I think of it more and more positively--the atmosphere is fantastic, the story is fun, and the puzzles are interesting. it's getting a retroactive 8/10)

This game is STYLISH. It's honestly really intriguing all the way throughout, I'd say it only loses out due to a somewhat samey gameplay loop and (if we're being honest) a few unnecessary side elements to the game.

The ending is fucking sick.

fantastic (dare I say, essential) DLC for my #1 game of 2023
+ ada wong #1 gaming crush

finished this game last year after taking an extended break and it instantly became my favorite game of all time

praise to comrade mazov

im never touching this game ever again

im not even gonna lie this is my new favorite game of all time--at the very least, tied with disco elysium

im so in love with every aspect of this game it's like the work of fiction ive always wanted to experience

(NOTE: if you're considering playing this game, I HIGHLY recommend playing AW1 + Control first, or at the very least reading the plot of those games online)

NOTE: Vague-ish spoilers in this review, nothing plot related though

This game is really unique in the RE series in that so many aspects of it draw from previous titles, to both positive and negative effect.

The early portions are easily the best and scariest parts of the game (although I really like the Lucas stuff too) and feel very "resident evil-y" with the classic survival horror/puzzle elements. There's some RE1/RE2 influence here, but all in all, the game carves its own identity pretty well. As it went on, though, I noticed that this began to fade--the boss fights and level design progressively took more and more from RE4 (sometimes a good thing, sometimes not so much). The boat portion, AKA the weakest part of the whole game, takes heavily from RE Revelations 1, a video game that is the EPITOME of mid. Things sorta pick up once you go back to playing as Ethan at the end, but never quite reach the same highs.

Overall though, this game is really solid. I had a good time playing it, and am definitely looking forward to Village. Resident Evil in 1st person is a bit of a trip but I'm a fan. If i could give it a 7.5 I would, but I'll be generous with the 4-star.

doesn't feel too different from the core game, slightly less compelling than it but still good fun

story is arguably less interesting/complex than the og story but like I love alan wake a shit ton soooooooooo.... I can only imagine what this was like for alan wake fans back when the DLC came out and this kinda teased AW2

fucking awesome

the re7-->re8 / re2-->re4 comparison is very apt, but where they differ is that this game is, at least imo, significantly better than re7

gameplay feels great, the setting is gorgeous, the story is interesting, there's very few things about this game that I don't like

SUPER interested to see where these modern RE games are headed, lots of narrative potential available with the way this one ends

this game was hilarious, sharp, and filled with solid voice acting that kept me engaged the whole way

short n sweet


played this one for a university class, liked it a good deal

every single piece of this game is beautiful, and it has some pretty satisfying gameplay to match

only reason it's a 7/10 is just because I'm not personally the biggest platformer fan, and the story didn't connect with me as much as it may others--nevertheless, if you're on the fence about this game, give it a go!

im like 11yrs late to this but damn was it cool

the minecraft part had me fuckin dying

what a fantastic video game. like the best, most stylized, most engaging brain puzzle you've ever seen.