2 reviews liked by polychrome

"Hey there", the dead-eyed homunculus says to me. Its voice eludes both monotony and expressivity. "I'm heading to a big party in LA and I need mega help with my outfit!" Its lips bend and contort around the like an ill-fitting rubber glove, its head gyrating and swiveling without any direction, but its gaze locked forward to me. Its skin at some point down from its neck turns into that of a bisque doll, pose frozen in place. I give the entity some clothes, but there's very little that isn't in pink, and the best I can do is make it look like Barbie. The photo is taken and it stares back with its ever-placid face. I do not know how the party, the homunculus does not thank me but I receive my reward anyway. I never see the thing again, another face in the parade of uncanny women. I idly wonder if such a being is even capable of understanding the concept of mercy.

This game matters more for its cultural impact than for its actual gameplay. It is the game in which a British YouTuber backstabbed a sitting US congresswoman. It landed at the most opportune time, and became immediately one of the most recognisable games on the planet. Its cultural impact will outlive us all.

I played it with friends. It's no One Night Ultimate Werewolf, but it's fun.