S3&K is probably the better game overall, but Sonic 2 is the one I find the easiest to go back to casually due to its shorter zones and less frequent boss battles. I'll just load it up on a whim, and before I know it I'm up to Oil Ocean. The only thing stopping me from giving this five stars are a few later zones that are a pain, including the final bosses.

I will never be a person who thinks Mega Man 2 is the best one because parts like Quick Man's stage, Heat Man's stage, and Boobeam Trap are a total pain in the ass in a way that later games would iron out. But I can also recognize that the entire rest of the franchise wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Mega Man 2 being such a banger of a sequel.

Very clever little one button platformer that's really more of a puzzle game built around understanding the unconventional rules of your movement, the first of which is extremely aggressive fall damage that requires you to jump carefully. This could be considered a Metroidvania, though you never really gain any new abilities. Instead, the game keeps revealing new things you didn't realize you could always do, which in turn makes you look at the areas you've already been through in a new light. If I have one complaint, it's just the lack of checkpoints in one specific tricky area near the end, but the game is so short that it's not a huge issue.

this used to be the game on steam with the most moaning and surfaces covered in sticky white fluids but I have to assume that crown has been usurped by now

My memory of this game will always be that it was too easy to the point of being kinda boring up until the beam struggle or whatever at the end of the final boss fight, at which point I was given a QTE that required me to mash a button so rapidly for such an extended period of time that I literally physically could not do it and had to get help from a friend.

I own a sealed copy of this game that I just never bothered to open and play. The longer I go without opening it the funnier it gets. This may very well be the ideal way to engage with this game.

On the one hand, this is maybe the worst RPG I've ever played, a game ostensibly made for kids that's also incredibly cruel to the player at every turn. Every resource from MP and items to XP and money is too scarce and too tightly controlled so that you can't lessen the difficulty curve by grinding - and even if you do manage to gain an extra level or two, the enemies will just scale up. The repetitive battles quickly become gruelingly long and can easily spiral out of control if you make any mistakes. Missed inputs on the insufferable Elite Beat Agents QTEs are punished way too severely. And attacks randomly miss all the fucking time, particularly early on, because for some incomprehensible reason the "attack" and "defense" stats in what was pitched as the Sonic equivalent of the beginner-friendly Mario RPGs are actually secretly tabletop-style hit and dodge stats. It's completely miserable to play. The hand drawn backgrounds are kinda nice, at least, but they also mean that the world has to be incredibly small with few areas to explore, making the adventure feel uneventful. And, of course, the literally unfinished soundtrack is just the icing on the cake.

On the other hand, my fursona is now immortalized in the IDW comics with the army of duplicate "unique" Chao I save scummed for on stream so that I didn't have to do the QTEs for the special moves anymore. So who's to say if it's good or bad

might be a little biased here