For anyone who's a fan of Greek Mythology and history, this game is wonderful! The combat takes a bit to get used to, and you have to grind a lot. Other than that, I really enjoyed the story, and you have plenty of content to do in the endgame. The storyline of the main characters is very compelling, and I enjoy pretty much every aspect.

An amazing game! It's very good for what it is. It's nothing groundbreaking or anything, it's just a spin-off. It's mostly dungeon-crawly if that's your thing. Seeing the characters from every game interact was very fun and enjoyable, especially the side stories. Another aspect I really enjoyed was being able to create the map and customize it to my liking.

The main story was also enjoyable and although the gameplay can drag a bit due to the nature of dungeon-crawlers, if you pace yourself and take breaks, it's fine. I personally love this game and the attention to detail it gave every single character, with special mention to the FEMC and Goro Akechi's subtle yet brilliant writing.

Pretty fun, but a bit average and can be frustrating at times. The different characters and abilities are cool.

The amount of choices is impressive honestly. The story is pretty good also, but overall it's a pretty meh game. The story is full of a lot of heart with the characters of Kara and Connor, but the character Marcus is a bit boring at times.

Mostly a nostalgia review but playing this as a kid was fun. I enjoyed the story and didn't think it was predictable at all. The characters are all very interesting and the mystery is well-written.

A good story, but the gameplay is a bit meh and the pacing drags on sometimes.

Still holds up after so many years, but it can drag a bit in the middle. It's a great start to this series overall and a very enjoyable experience.

The best batman game of all time. The open-world is perfect and atmospheric without feeling too big. Shaped my entire childhood and made me a diehard Batman fan for life. A great sequel to Arkham Asylum with an even more surprising ending.

An unfinished game, yet still one of the best games of all time so far. A step-up from the last chapter, and a surefire step-up from Toby's past work.

A genuinely amazing start to the game, filled with loveable characters, on-brand wonderful Toby Fox tracks, and engaging gameplay. A step-up from Undertale in every way.

The game was as good as I remembered years later. Great story for people who enjoy French history.

Sensory overload. Has no reason to exist in its current state and most of the remixes are not to my taste.

Just to say: despite many attempts to play this game, I've accepted that it's just not for me. I've heard nothing but decent things about the story, but I genuinely can't get through the first jail. I love Persona 5, but the gameplay style of Hyrule Warriors is genuinely a drag and agonizing to sit through.

Toko's character arc is the best thing about this game. Komaru is cool too. Everything else is handled really awkwardly and the sexualization of children and SA victims is disgusting and completely unnecessary.

Great mysteries, but weighed down by its slow pacing and convenient writing.