I don't have much to say about this game that hasn't already been said, I don't think. It's a Pokemon game and I'm 13 years late to it... but I do have a few things to say that aren't really connected, so I'll just say 'em.

N has what is probably the most uniquely compelling character arc in the entire series thus far, with a really unexpected payoff. I've not played anything past Gen 5, but I'm kind of scared to... because I know for sure they're gonna try and fail to capture this kind of vibe again.

My playthrough can be entirely summed up with "Gigalith is fucked up". Something's strong against the Pokemon I'm trying to train? Gigalith. Encounter rate getting me down? Gigalith. Underlevelled, stuck in a Trainer battle with better Pokemon and plenty of Hyper Potions? Good one- but unfortunately for them, Gigalith. My trump card was a literal fucking mountain, so it's not a huge surprise that no one could do anything about it. It was pretty great, so this is a great gen! That's the fun of Pokemon! Finding one guy that's your favorite of all the guys, then stomping all the guys that think they can beat your guy. I'm understanding that 100% correctly; if you disagree because spamming Rock Slide is "too easy" and I would be punished for it in a "good" RPG, you just don't get what Pokemon is about, man.

I kind of love how quaint the presentation of this game is. It's not particularly impressive graphics for 2010, but plenty of areas in the game take the time to zoom out and change camera angles, as if Game Freak themselves are going like "Look! We figured out how to do 3D! Look at this bridge! Look at these buildings! Isn't it great??" And y'know what, dude, it is pretty great. I'm proud of y'all.

Gen 3 was still better tho

Makes a really strong first impression, but kinda starts running out of steam the closer you get to the end, with wholesale re-used assets and anti-climactic scenes back to back. I'm kind of impressed at how many character arcs unceremoniously got dropped; it feels like they wrote EVERYBODY out somehow. And that's a damn shame, because Hugh was so endearing. I don't think any of the characters in this franchise have ever been so ready to throw hands before him, and I feel like a kid with that much gusto deserved better.

I really liked what this had to offer gameplay-wise (though I felt the encounter rate got grating after a while), but as a followup to the surprisingly well-written story Black 1 had, this left a hell of a lot to be desired.

I feel like a lot of people would want to have my head on a pike for genuinely believing that this is the best Arcsys fighter.

I almost gave this four stars, but felt like it deserved an additional half of one just because I like the cute little skitter that the people and some of the robots do.

Doesn't do anything too terribly standout, but I think it was put together really well. Kinda weird that this isn't an arcade port, it feels so much like one.

I really like the route change system it has going on.

Well, at least they got the physics right.

I think this is probably the least useful weapon set in the entire franchise. Napalm Bomb kills in four shots what the charge shot can do in 1. They weren't that bad in Mega Man 5, what happened here?

I love that there's multiple endings, none of which have proper grammar or spelling in their text scrolls

I've beaten this game a few times, but am not sure I could tell you what it was about

This is one of those games where I'm REAL glad I had a navigator, because the draw distance kind of sucked. Meaning, the one problem I could have had with it is mitigated by the design, and presented to you as a base mechanic. You can even see the bullets on the minimap, so you can't really get blindsided by anything as long as you just pay attention.

Everything has a real nice flow to it once you get a handle on the controls. The fan translation added a twinstick control option, so of course I HAD to jump on that opportunity- now I can't imagine what playing it on pad would even be like. Always nice to see shootemup design conventions in a 3d game, especially when it's done this well.

I really liked a lot of the new takes on stages, and the two new bosses were a treat! Huge fan of the Energizer Bunny being in this one and having an attack that reminds me of a Mega Man boss.

Fell apart at the end though when they throw 3 bosses at you in a row that all have really stupid changes to be harder than in the original game. The final boss isn't even the hardest in the game, and that's really saying something if it took me nearly 20 minutes to kill it.

I should note that the final boss only killed me once. Its hitboxes were so finnicky that it just.... took 20 minutes. Sheesh.

Oh well. It's fine otherwise aside from that doodoo final segment, par for the course for low budget games I guess.

I haven't finished this one yet, but the amount of dialogue is so dense that it's actively hurting my enjoyment.

I suppose there's always been worse fangames out there with this kind of thing, but the attempts at humor here don't really jive with me or seem all that in-character for anybody that's speaking. I audibly groaned when the game felt the need to ENTIRELY stop me in my tracks and prevent me from picking another level, just so that I could talk to some shady cloaked OC... that Mega Man even asks "Why are you cloaked?" to.

Like, what's the joke there? Is the joke that Mega Man's stupid? Hahahahaha???
Cool, can I play another shitty Tier 1 level instead and get them over with instead of having this filler inbetween? Why would you even add a plotline to a level contest with no cohesion anyway? How can you possibly justify all of this with a story? And if you could, why would you WANT to?

I don't understand it. I took a break because this game's already long enough without the unskippable cutscenes. :/

Doesn't help that the game refused to let me map my controller, but whatever.

I think this is just factually the cutest Nintendo game

I thought it was fine, I'm not actually sure where all the low reviews are coming from?

This game's name is the worst thing about it. It's about 5 stages long, isn't too hard, and has some pretty decently put together mechanics. Looks nice, has a decent soundtrack, plays well.

I can't think of anything particularly offensive this game did aside from neither having hotdogs nor storms.

The game detected my monitor's screen orientation and then fit neatly within it. I played it on a vertical CRT.

It makes me really happy that they actually thought to support that.