11 reviews liked by rekii

A game that straight up changed me the first time I played it.

nvm this is the best VN of all time

I did not like this game. It's probably the worst 2D Sonic I've ever played. Most of the songs were forgettable, bosses were dreadfully slow, and stages either overstayed their welcome, or were over too soon. I played as knuckles for most of my playthrough, and he couldn't even cling to all of the walls. Additionally, this game made me not like Fang anymore, his bosses and theme sucked.

You're better off playing whatever fans & the Sonic Mania devs are making. Not recommended

Decent classic sonic game with bosses that do not know when to fucking END they consistently took up half of a level's playtime or even more

I love Sonic, i love the high speed gameplay that rewards replays, i love his friends and playing as multiple characters, i love the soundtrack as it was a huge influence on my music taste today, i just love this game

this game is my childhood man