The most perfect Sonic game in my eyes. It's pure fun, an amazing soundtrack, although my admittedly gigantic bias with the game's graphics play a big part in my enjoyment.


literally better than Yume Nikki in every way except for the soundtrack

there will never be a game I love more than this

edit: ...yeah there is

oh yeah, I've beaten this one. it's really cool and interesting, the world feels almost alive, but at the same time extremely lonely. really cool to put some music and just explore everything.

my first Kirby game and still one of my favorites to this day. one of the most charming and pure fun games ever made (at least by a big developer like Hal), as it also perfectly moves the franchise forward after Dream Land 2.

haven't finished it yet because i'm a moron but MAN this game owns, definitely my favorite mega man ever. the most balanced one, even just walking and jumping around feels awesome for some reason. the soundtrack is also great, best title theme in the whole franchise imo.

this game is basically perfect. a few problems here and there but i could dissect it and explain for hours what makes it so great.
it's like everything works together to create a satisfactory and engaging experience, from the gameplay to the sound design. the fact that the music stops when you find a contradiction is still one of my favorite sound design choices in any game ever, something so simple but so effective.

panel de pon meets touhou meets smash meelee

one of the best games I've ever played??? short and well balanced, tough but fair. amazing animations, could do better in the music department, but as far as game design goes it's almost immaculate. shows a lot of understanding on metroidvania mechanics. it's the kind of thing you could play over and over again.

I think the rpg elements are annoying for the most part. the story is very boring and surface based, but reminds me of classic dragon ball so it's ok.
the gameplay is really good and balanced, although I must say I thought the "critical" mechanic would be more useful but it only really matters in the hard difficulty.

And now it's time for the bottom line:

Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels is...
"The Silent Hill 3 Brookhaven Hospital restroom of videogames"

every screen is borrowed from mega man. i recognized all the set pieces and enemies and recall the exact part they came from, so it's basically a cheaper alternative to Legacy Collection.
the controls might be more tight than mega man but I'm not sure. it's pretty ok but I refunded it since I wasn't interested in playing anymore.

ost is good tho

I'm going to be honest: I don't think I'll ever beat this game. I just downloaded it to actually feel the controls, which mind you, are actually really fun once you get the hang of it.
I see this as more of a friend than a videogame. it's company. Bennett Foddy's commentary is sometimes purposefully irritating, but most of the time I sense earnestness and comradery from his words, like the way he says he'll always save your progress. it really is just about the journey. you could play the same parts over and over again, just to have fun with the controls, and never beat it, and that's ok. like Foddy said in his playthrough in Kotaku: "riding the snake is the true ending of this game" (which I will never do because I'm ophidiophobic).

anyway, it's fun and funny and cool and iconic.

i finally did it. i beat isaac as the blue baby and unlocked the d6. there's still more to do, unlocking the lost and everything else, but that was my main objective.
this game is consuming me, as it consumes most who play it. i can't stop playing it. i wake up, open the game, get mad, go to sleep, wake up, do everything again. it never stops. i crave for playing it all the time. it's just so..... fun... right?

anyway I'll buy repentance eventually

i gave up on trying to learn japanese because of various reasons. this game makes me want to learn it immediately so that i can experience it properly.

an extremely interesting game designed by an extremely interesting and talented person (who became my favorite vg composer), with cool aesthetics and a marvelous soundtrack. i played it for like 5 minutes because i couldn't understand a thing, so I'll come back to it once I learn japanese!!