23 reviews liked by rios

When it comes to Final Fantasy VII, I think there tends to be a general fixation on Midgar as a centralized point of identity for the game. And while I do think it's one of the best opening segments in maybe any videogame, what makes it work so well in the grand scheme of things is just how introspective the rest of the game feels when juxtaposed to its explosive sense of grandiosity.

Final Fantasy VII's globe trotting adventure isn't primarily defined by it's sense for theatrics, but by it's mellow tone and somber sensibilities. The towns you come across are oftentimes humble and restrained, carefully crafted with precision point environmental design and delicate cinematography. There's a tender sense of balance to found throughout the whole affair, as it seeks to comfort you just as often as it alienates you. That push-and-pull dynamic it shares with the player is such a key focal point as to what make the worlds of VII and VIII feel so utterly compelling to me, and I can't help but feel that the unquestioned contrast between the science and fantasy elements plays a major factor in how sheerly effective that relationship it is.

Aerith's fate is something I'll never forget, not just because of the effective dramatization found within that one moment, but because of how silent and truly felt her absence is across the rest of the game. A lot of people give this game grief for putting the snowboarding segment not even like twenty minutes later, but the fact that the game just moves on afterwards without dwelling on itself too hard is exactly what I think makes it brilliant. Final Fantasy VII allows its punctual moments to breathe and sink skin deep, and it knows that no amount of self indulgent dialogue commemorating Aerith would ever hit as hard as opening the party screen just to see a missing slot there.

Cloud might not be the person he says he is, but what he becomes through learning to open his heart to other people and show compassion makes him more of a hero than any mere SOLDIER could ever hope to be. He never has any major transformation in regards to physicality and utility, he doesn't have to. Just as he doesn't need to be told by someone that he's finally enough, he always was.

For every magnificent setpiece Final Fantasy VII has, there's a slew of soft spoken moments of beauty that truly make this game what it is, even up to its final moments. It ends the same way it began, a friendly face amidst a writhing future of uncertainty. That faint shimmer of hope shining just as bright as it always has.

Resident Evil Remake/Rebirth (2002) é um Survival Horror focado em exploração e solução de puzzles. O jogo possui duas campanhas e você pode controlar Jill Valentine ou Chris Redfield, a dificuldade depende de qual personagem você escolhe, sendo Jill o modo facilitado e Chris tendo um pouco mais de dificuldade em sua experiência. Existem poucos inimigos, mas possui uma variedade ''ok'', a munição é limitada, então é necessário saber quando e onde usar, os chefes são desafiadores, porém nada muito excepcional. Resident Evil Remake/Rebirth é uma boa pedida pra quem curte o gênero e deu um salto enorme se comparar com o original de 1996, os gráficos são de uma qualidade absurda, principalmente se você lembrar que foi lançado em 2002, a atuação dos dubladores também evoluiu bastante e o Remake conta também com modos extras e alguns desbloqueáveis, fazendo com que o fator replay aumente. O tempo de jogo é entre 9-11 horas na sua primeira jogatina, mas quando terminado da primeira vez, esse tempo cai bastante. Recomendo jogar de mente aberta, pois os controles não são convencionais e talvez uma pessoa mais nova pode acabar se frustrando em sua primeira vez jogando, mas se você gosta da franquia ou curte um Survival Horror completinho, esse aqui não irá te decepcionar <3

In my restless dreams, I see that town. Silent Hill.

Até o momento (01/04/2024 e digitando com 26 anos), nenhum jogo conseguiu superar tudo que senti ao jogar Silent Hill 2. Se o Team Silent provou sua capacidade com o primeiro jogo, esse segundo título cravou em mármore o que é e como um survival horror deve ser lançado. Perfeito do início ao fim e apresenta um protagonista mais que inesquecível e repleto de camadas: James Sunderland.

Jugué silent hill 2 antes de jugar este juego, y siento que en parte eso afecta a mi opinión de este título, pues mientras jugaba no podía evitar compararlo con su secuela, por lo que esta reseña será altamente subjetiva, siguiendo con esa misma comparativa, pienso que en cuestiones de gameplay y como survival horror es una buena entrega y muy superior a su secuela; sin embargo, en aspectos narrativos me parece que su secuela es muy superior, no me parece malo su enfoque centrado en los misterios del pueblo, de hecho solo por ese aspecto recomendaría jugar esta entrega antes de su secuela, mi principal problema con su narrativa es el cómo las acciones del jugador afectan a la historia y su final, me parece que los métodos para sacar los diferentes finales, son obtusos en el mejor de los casos o directamente absurdos, cosa que termina por hacer que no sea una experiencia tan atrapante como su secuela, sin embargo me sigue pareciendo una buena experiencia, y un juego que merece ser jugado.

Jak 3


err pra um portátil ta ótimo mas n é um jogo la muito memorável, nao vejo o porquê de continuar jogando atualmente

Silent Hill 2 evokes a feeling that I almost just can't comprehend. Both entries in the series so far have rattled my brain senseless for the past month.

Silent Hill 2 is a subversive sequel by nature in its level design, characters and world. It's not particularly a conventional sequel, the game works as a stand alone product; which I think is pretty great.

• The narrative is easily the biggest step up in quality, much darker and asks us as the player to be a more active spectator in reading the subtext.
• The soundtrack and sound design are killer, adds so much to the experience.
• The pacing from section to section is a lot better as it has a clearer path of where to head and explore, nowhere near as monotonous as Silent Hill 1.
• The horror elements and atmosphere is thick as ever, truly horrifying.

• I thought the nightmare areas weren't nearly as effective as Silent Hill 1's more industrial rusted bloodstained imagery.
• Enemy variety is a little lacking??? Still absolutely love the mannequins they are superb.
• Combat itself is fine and works for what its going for, its more so the abundance of ammo and health items that you obtain throughout the second half that bothers me. It just makes the option of choice in weaponry feel pointless when you can practically kill every enemy in the game with the pistol and not worry about ammo.

Overall this game fucking rocks, a step up as a sequel in many regards but allows the first game to not be obsolete as it stands tall as its own separate entry.

Soundtrack is going to be on repeat for the next few weeks. Anyway till Silent Hill 3, bye.

O jogo da minha vida, simplesmente perfeito, a direção de arte, a trilha sonora, o designer, a sua história, são impecáveis nunca um jogo me fez sentir tantas emoções como esse. Obrigado Fumito Ueda, obrigado.