This game is absolutely timeless, and I think everyone should at least give it a try. I feel like if I talk about everything in the story and overall experience I might accidentally write an essay, so I'm just gonna say play it or I'll do something illegal.

I forgot to make a review of this game after I first finished it because I was in shock at how peak it was. IT'S PEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!! PLAY IT NOW OR I'LL FIND YOU

This isn't even a joke I think I'm going through the stages of grief with this game. I am genuinely upset over not being able to play, and will probably cry in the shower about it at least once per month.

Okay, maybe one part was a bit exaggerated, but now moderate depression turned major.

The fall of man. For the love of GOD skip this game, every bad thing said about it is true. When I got to the end and the game said "Oooo, now try playing as Lucia" I almost said out loud "Fuck you game."

I thought I'd play this game as a joke and get ironic enjoyment out of it. Then I'm hit with "Ooooh life is so hard you should KILL YOURSELF!"
Fuck you Notch. Genuinely. This was like 10 minutes but I want my time back.

This is the kind of game that actually would have benefitted from being live service, but it didn't really get updates. Now, it's been forgotten, because it can get stale after a while. It's fair for it's price tag, but really don't expect much.

I haven't made a review in a while, so time to fix that with a comprehensive look at Doodle Jump!!!!!

It's a game!!!!!!!

This is kind of an odd game, but I think it's pretty charming and impressive. That said, you aren't missing out on much playing this game, and you could just move on in the series. For what it is though, it's a pretty fun. It's like a mini metroidvania, so if you've REALLY got an itch to scratch for those on the game boy, have at it.

They must think PlayStation owners are fucking STARVING if they're releasing this and thinking it'll work. Don't prove them right.

I haven't gotten very far in this game, but to be honest I think it blows complete ass. Dungeon crawling isn't fun, and having to manage party member's wellness outside of their health and mp is VERY annoying, and the story and characters aren't interesting enough to make me want to push through it. From me being spoiled, and from what I've experienced so far, I cannot tell you a single party member who shares a genuine connection with more than two people (excluding the protagonist). I really tried with this game. I even tried playing on FES for a better experience (the dungeon crawling was way worse, but I won't get into it), but it just isn't fun in the first act of the game. Even if the game gets better after that point, it isn't worth playing. Why can't the game start good and at least end decent? It's just a chore to play. The way they summon personas are cool, and there are some good songs, but if there's anything else cool in the game, it'll be a long time before I find out. Maybe even never.

I actually liked it the first few weeks, then I realized the game is mid, and now I'm in a hostage situation with this game to play every week to get all the items. This is a cry for help.

Y'know, I miss games like this that actually took risks with a weird concept (yes I know more indie games exist shut up). While this is a shooter, it almost feels more like a trial and error puzzle sometimes. That's not even a bad thing, it's unique and fun. I can tell with this game the devs had fun and wanted you to have fun, with the endless mode and the things you can do inside the game to take a break. I honestly would've been fine with paying more for this game than I did, so I think this is a worthwhile purchase.

Y'know how Sony games are pretty much just overpriced movie tickets nowadays? Well, this game feels like a movie, but that's a GOOD thing. This is the best Spider-Man movie we've had in years, but you can also play it and it feels really good. The combat feels good, the story's great, and had me playing until my hands hurt.

Really makes you FEEL like Spider-Man, but there was too much water. Can't wait for the sequel this year.

I'm not really sure how you're supposed to review such a huge game like Minecraft, cause you can really make it into anything anyone would like with enough work, so I'll just say stuff about survival.

It's hard to get into, because of how open-ended it is, and can be pretty boring if you don't go in with an idea for what you wanna do. For any fun in survival, you have to set really specific goals for yourself, or be very easily distracted. There's a big chance you'll have a good time if you do that much, but I personally don't do that. Survival isn't my cup of tea.

This game only has value for the roleplaying aspect, which I never even bought it for. Grinding sucks, and the fighting also sucks. And the story. And the balance. And the constant DLC drops. And everything, really. So, at the end of the day, as a Dragon Ball fan, I have to rate this game a perfect 5/5.

It's a masterpiece, a timeless classic, a gem, and worth hundreds of dollars! You cannot call yourself a fan of Dragon Ball if you have not played this game for hundreds of hours, gotten to level 99, and bought AT LEAST half of all the DLC. I will most definitely be buying Xenoverse 3 when it drops on January 2052. As an actual game it gets a two.