Banger tracks, fun gameplay, with a decent amount of difficulty to boot! The characters are charming and the art style is unique. Definitely one of the more interesting rhythm games out there. I do have to add that there's a pretty big difficulty spike around stages 3-4 though.

I first played this game back when I still had my PSP, probably sometime during elementary or middle school, and at the time, I definitely still had fun despite only engaging with the mechanics on a surface level. But dear lord, the amount of depth and optimization that you can do in this game if you decide to dig into it is insane, all of which are sadly, only explained in the optional tutorials. At the same time I understand this choice, introducing all of the systems to the player at once would probably overwhelm them and possibly drive away the more casual players or those who are new to strategy games. So I'd honestly suggest just engaging in parts of the system that you like, as you can still finish the game without fully optimizing everything anyway.

As I've said, this game is just absolutely loaded gameplay-wise. There's a ton of jobs and you can even sort of multiclass by learning and equipping skills from a different job. You can make a dual-wielding ninja who has insane range and attacks twice a turn. You can have an arithmetician instakill most enemies in the field (probably along with some of your own party members too). Hell, I remembered just having two or three dragoons in my party way back then just because I loved the job. Is it optimal? Most likely not. But hell was it fun. Although, probably one of the downsides to the gameplay is that the difficulty does randomly spike at times which could get you hard stuck on some fights. Sometimes it also randomly dips, especially when you use some of the OP party members like Agrias and Cid.

Story-wise, FFT is a story about a man who sticks to his own beliefs and morals, only for the rest of the world to brand him as a heretic. And I think this framing is perfect for understanding Ivalice and the rampant corruption, class-divide, and constant political power play that happens within it. The dialogue is written beautifully, and it definitely has a lot to say.

Let's also not forget the art and sprite work because wow, is it charming. Akihiko Yoshida has probably become one of my favourite artists.

I obnoxiously recommend this game to all of my friends (as if it's not apparent already). Even if strategy games are not your thing, I would still recommend trying it for the story and great writing. But I do have to say that I get it if you ended up not enjoying it due to how punishing it can get at times. I really wish it was more accessible because the story is so good. It's such a shame...

Goodbye, Losspass. Goodbye, Paradise. A fever dream and a half, one that I oddly didn't wish to wake up from.

Story and dialogue-wise I would probably give it a 5, gameplay-wise... well. It depends on how much you love math and walking (and the movement system on the DS can be a doozy sometimes with the camera angle switching). Not gonna lie, I did end up loving some of the guidebook puzzles though. But it can definitely be a chore, funnily enough, just like it intended. Or maybe I've developed some weird stockholm syndrome for this game.

Its absurdist and 4th wall-breaking humor is definitely right up my alley, and the contrast between the bleak mystery and the casual, at most times even cheerful soundtrack and landscapes creates an interesting disconnect. It's both hilarious and unsettling. Its at (most) times incomprehensible dialogue and narrative really keeps you guessing and asking, and barely any answers are given to you outright which works to its advantage, in my opinion.

I haven't played Silver Case but this game definitely made me want to check it out immediately. Even though I still have a lot of questions and a lot of the plot probably went over my head (I'm still processing it as I'm typing this), I can recommend this game based off vibes alone.

Sumio Mondo is my spirit animal. Please play this game.

people shit on this game because of the character assassination and honestly that's really fair, but the game and combat itself is pretty fun. there's like a million weapons you can use (exaggerated for comedic effect). but yeah don't play this if you're looking for an actual story

also like another reviewer said, this is one of the first touhou games i actually cleared due to point-device mode, love the ost so much...

holy hell this shit is boring

the fire-spewing tanks were the coolest shit ever for me as a kid

fondly remember playing this as a wee lad. what i learned from this game is that every problem (such as citizens complaining about taxes) can be solved with meteors

fond memories of flailing my arms in order to beat the shit out of my cousin in boxing. fun times

i would like this game more if it was centered around connor and hank... their dynamic carried this game... sorry

funnily enough this was probably my entry to the final fantasy series, quite fun and you can get a lot of mileage out of it if you like the combat. also i fucking hate fighting onion knight

playing this game with my friends is a core memory also known as i love dragging my half-dead friend's irradiated melting corpse across the submarine while telling them to hold on

completely different from the pc versions, played this in my childhood so i dont remember much other than it being absurd (affectionate)

i vividly remember playing this in my childhood and being really obsessed with taking care of my animals that i had prize-winning cows and sheep but basically grew no crops so the mayor kicked me out in year 3 and i never got to marry anyone


i love rotting my brain

anyway this really is baby's first mmo and honestly it could be better if they didn't make it so brain meltingly grindy in stupid ways