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if you make the last phase of a final boss the easiest, i get to kill you.

i think luigi may have cheated on the final exam for his PhD because he's doing the same thing as dr. mario but infinitely more tedious.

the game does not let you put COVID as a username

auto lock on makes me want to KILL MYSELF

i don't know if it's just bias talking since it's been 10 YEARS since the last full game, but i REALLY really could not get super into this game like i could with the previous three. the dog (and ice pikmin) completely annihilate every challenge the game could possibly try and set up for you. the previous games offered a challenge of higher squad = higher risk of death due to having to manage a million babies, but higher power. in pikmin 4, you can just make them all board the designated tiny hitbox and then hold x at a boss until it dies.

i think the characters in this game are the weakest. i was already turned away by the custom character creation, since one of the main appeals of pikmin is how you were playing as people with actual lives and actual personalities. i don't WANT to play as myself, i WANT TO PLAY AS A 40 YEAR OLD MAN WITH A WIFE AND CHILDREN

ok minor complaints time. the music is MEDIOCRE! the fact that the story is [REDACTED] is MEDIOCRE! the rewind feature makes it feel like there's no real sense of FAILURE! and really? they really did that to MY alph? MY brittany? MY charlie? i will KILL YOU

also somehow they managed to make pikmin with gyro control bad.

spawned into a cave sublevel and a bulbear immediately walked over the wall and ate half of my pikmin

waterwraith rolled over the titan dweevil and instantly killed it

this game is an excellent example of psychological torture. sometimes the levels are 5 hours long with secrets near impossible to find. sometimes they're 2 seconds long and all of the secrets are in one spot. when rayman beats a boss he dances over their mangled corpse and i wish i could do the same to him

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I got to the part where you fight the shower monster thing (i didnt beat it) and then stopped. Am i stupid

the final boss was a beady long legs and i killed it in like 20 seconds


this game is absolutely insane for like the 5 minutes it's intended to last. i CANNOT imagine ANYONE beating this the way it's intended - on a smartphone - just due to the sheer amount of things that are on screen at once. you're not supposed to be able to play it on a computer's browser, but you could if you just typed in the url for the game itself. it had keyboard support, for some reason. i only beat it because i bound the keyboard controls to a controller. you have to rapidly switch between the 4 idols' weapons while keeping track of the shared weapon energy, which you HAVE to use perfectly, lest you want to restart the entire thing. oh, that's right, i forgot to mention - because the game is synchronized to music, if you die at any point, you restart from the very beginning. i would make this a major complaint, but the music is kickass, so it balances out. it's also just plain fun, the movement is super fun and you can shoot with the mega buster at the speed of light if you mash fast enough. it is a tense, ball-busting game that exists solely to promote an idol group. it's like if the hardest mario game was made by mcdonalds. this game is absolutely psychotic and stupid and i want everyone to play it at least once. Also all of the MM2 bosses being old and useless is awesome

finally 100%ed it, now i only need friends for megamix’s challenge train… haha… ha.

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it just consists of constantly leaving your friends behind and having them wait 3 seconds so they can respawn and then immediately get left behind again. we got softlocked like 4 times. the final boss kills players 3 and 4 as soon as the final phase starts. during the character specific acts ONLY PLAYER 1 IS ALLOWED TO PLAY.
this is not a 4 player game. this is a 1 player game disguised as a 4 player game.

also the bosses are horrendous, jesus. it's like they saw pyribbit from kirby triple deluxe and went "yeah let's make that every boss." playing trip's story was just a slog and the fact that HALF THE GAME DOESN'T EVEN HAVE MULTIPLAYER is just... why? why would you even advertise the game as multiplayer? it just feels more like an afterthought. if there's a single phrase i can attribute to this game, it's "what's the point?"

I pirated it a week before release

science has still yet to prove there is anything stronger than the real super power of teamwork.