They will burn for what they did to the amusement park world's music

sucks. can't even hold 30 pick me ups at a time

the last half of this game was made by apes

it's good and i like it. what else can i say?

ruining a run at the last minute because i accidentally opened the "re-randomize all presents and kill every player instantly" present


this game is for people who couldn't wait a month to get mario party 3

to call this a "Mario Party rip-off" would be disingenuous - this was made BY hudson soft, the developers of the golden era mario party games. i guess after the masterpiece that was mario party 2 their next step was to take sonic out back and stab him in the legs so he's still functioning, but he's gonna have a few hiccups here and there that add up to him being just an unfavorable experience all around.

seriously though, it's sad. this game had potential. it just gets absolutely butchered by its flaws. flaws such as:

- the ai cheats VERY BLATANTLY
- 70% of the minigames are incomprehensible (what is even happening with the number tower one?)
- the boards after the first 3 are pretty lame
- you're punished for trying to strategize. if you're the farthest away from the precioustone when someone obtains one, you lose half of your rings. if you think you're even being the slightest bit clever you will be locked up in the eggman basement for it.
- you can't get rings for the sonic bank from versus mode. why? WHY? you could get coins for the bank from the multiplayer mode in MARIO PARTY 1 which released 2 YEARS before this. this is such a major turn off i cannot believe it made it into the final game. combined with the fact you can't have a board strategy besides "take the fastest path to the precious stone and hope you get bonus items", it turns unlocking secrets into a more of a chore than a passive experience. locking such a huge amount of essential content to the SINGLE PLAYER MODE in a MULTIPLAYER GAME is a baffling decision.

i want to end this on a positive note, though. this game is still definitely worth checking out for what it is. it's actually pretty fun when you're playing with 4 people (just make sure they're willing to learn the game). i'll admit i'm a sucker for console specific gimmicks and the VMU being used to hide your cards from other players is pretty genius (no seriously make sure you're using the vmu gimmick or you're going to hate the game). if you're going to play this with friends, don't go through the trouble of unlocking everything yourself. just download a 100% save file. this game is so close to greatness, it's just bogged down by a bunch of minor things that could easily be fixed. give me sonic shuffle 2 NOW sega

Dreams don't betray us.
When we lose ourselves...
that's when we lose our dreams.

- knuckles

this is like mario's time machine


not done playing it but my first instinct is to show the porn magazine to everyone i talk to before i ask them any questions

super sonic is hilariously broken in this game. like the main game is made 600 times better solely due to how it snaps the level design in two. then you get to the hard mode stages and there are like no rings and uh ohhhhh fun's over

also the battle mode is lackluster. might just be because i played it with people who had never played any stages in this game before but come on sonic i know you can do better than that