definition of corporate greed

i like the part where you beat the raid boss and throw 18 perfect throws at the legendary pokemon and then you still lose it forever because god hates you.

cant get too into it without spoiling it but like 99% of the story beats are the exact same as pikmin 2's

It's just what I wanted! Sonic the Hedgehog at its bare minimum with no style, substance, or any incentive to replay the game! Thank you Santa!

im not joining your discord to download your mods

i only played the battle mode

game opened with sonic spinball options music and i instinctively covered my stomach with my arms like an animal

i played the panel de pon minigame for 30 minutes and my dog died of thirst

Fun at first and then it just kinda feels like there's nothing to do. The city is cool until you realize only 2 of the shops there are actually useful. I got the golden watering can and paid off all my debt so I don't know if I'm just playing the game wrong or something but it really feels like this game suffers from a lack of content. It's not bad or anything but I don't really see any reason to play it over the other ones

the game told me "this is going to be very fun" and then my background changed to diddy kong in an elevator

This game is lol haha funny until you play Sakaki’s route and reach the Chiyo’s Dad round and the game hits you with the bombshell knowledge that the cat thing isn’t a joke and he literally actually looks like that. What the hell

fun but i wouldn't trust anyone in the discord server with my life

i did the great goomba race with friends. i lost by a technicality but i dont mind. the game is still good i think