I had enough fun to complete the game but everything about it is just aggressively mediocre.

The game looks great and can be fun at times, especially when it mixes puzzles in between platforming and during boss fights.

Unfortunately, everything just feels so sluggish. You start every level with only one gear which limits your mobility and makes the first half of every level a slog. Characters also constantly interrupt you during levels for needless chatter. I quit when I got to the water level which just exacerbated all the issues I had with the game.

OH HOW I FREAKING LOVE FIGHTING BERSERKERS! The constant dash strafing, clumsily double tapping keys to heal, waiting until they turn their back to shoot them with a crossbow bolt. It's all so wonderful. Even better when there is two of them, or better yet, together with two shamans and two warlords. WONDERFUL.

Sorry about that, I needed to vent. The game is fine I guess.

Incredibly fun and one of the best arcade racers.

- Carnage filled high speed races.
- Fun Road Rage mode.
- Crash mode is unique and fun to puzzle out.
- A lot of content in the World Tour to complete.

- The rubberbanding AI is pretty egregious.
- Many long loading screens (Turbo mode in PCSX2 was a godsend).
- Any event involving the US Circuit Racer. It's difficult to control and crawls to a stop when grinding against walls, punishing you for racing agressively which is the entire point of the game.
- The track selection could be larger.

A decent action rougelike with a unique pinball/rolling mechanic but lacking the depth crucial to the genre.

The best thing about the game is definitely how good the movement feels. Zipping around taking out enemies while switching between rolling, shooting and abilities without taking any damage is satisfying.

Unfortunately, after finishing one run you have pretty much seen everything the game has to offer. There are other characters, upgrades, abilities and guns to unlock but they don't really change the way you play that much. The levels are fairly simple and don't differ much from each other.

The soundtrack is absolutely terrible and the worst I have ever heard in a game. I can only really describe it as noise. This combined with the sound effects and bad audio mixing make it very grating to listen to.

I had some fun in my short amount of time with it but I don't feel motivated to continue playing and unlocking everything.

The platforming itself was good but then they decided to mix in brain dead combat and terrible "auto run" sections like the shells, water ski, slides and pirate ship.

"Unable to stream".

Online only cutscenes? What were they smoking. I'm even connected to the internet, it just doesn't work.

The game nails the street racing aesthetic, something that most succeeding NFS titles have failed to do. The driving physics are pretty good, especially for an arcade racer from this era. Racing lines are actually important for instance.

Unfortunately it has numerous problems that made progression feel like a chore. Drag races are atrocious, URL races take place on the same few tracks and go on for too long, and the open world adds nothing to the game but just makes race selection take longer. By stage 3 I had seen everything the game had to offer, yet still had to complete the same events on the same tracks for another dozen hours. It all just felt like padding.

I can see why it was revolutionary for the time and I enjoyed most of my time with it, but I ended up losing motivation to continue playing.

Feels like this game doesn't really know what it wants to be.

Not enough control over your squad mates, bad AI and simple objectives makes it a poor strategic shooter compared to Hidden and Dangerous, Rainbow Six, etc. Inaccurate guns, clunky gunplay and uninspired level design make it a poor linear FPS.

It's one of the more immersive WWII shooters and there is fun to be had but I just felt annoyed a lot of the time.

The AI cheats in fog of war matches and can make illegal moves. Inexcusable in a strategy game. These missions end up devolving into the same pattern: losing once to memorize enemy placements and then actually trying to win the second try.

"Hey boss, I know the platforming levels we made for our platforming game are great but what if we sprinkle in some terrible mini games to make sure the player isn't having too much fun. Oh, and let's make the entire final mission a sequence of mini games just to end on a low note."

This seems to be common occurrence among developers from the era, inserting non platforming sections for the sake of "variety". What were they smoking back then.

I had an overall good time with the game, but I constantly bounced back and forth between loving and hating it.

A surprisingly solid puzzle platformer. There are some frustrating sections but they did a good job introducing something new each "world" to keep things fresh.

Their biggest mistake was definitely the game's title. If you're looking for a stealth game you'll be disappointed. Like I said before, it's a puzzle platformer with some stealth mechanics sprinkled in.

The biggest nose dive I have ever seen a game take in its second half.

I was looking forward to this one but had to give up on it for now. The combination of low frame rate and sluggish controls feels terrible. I'll give it another try when the fan decompilation and PC port are done.