24 Reviews liked by roundthewheel

the last 2D mario that was innovative. can't wait for wonder to come out.

I think the greatest sin of the NSMB games is that they've "flattened" people's perception of what the 2D Mario games were/can be. Believe it or not, games like SMB3 and SMW didn't limit themselves to just "grass world, desert world, ice world, water world", and even when they did use those tropes, they didn't depict them exactly the same way. Those games didn't just have an overworld map, SMB3 had essentially a board game with moving pieces that was catered perfectly to competitive playthroughs, and provided variety between levels. SMW's map was less varied, but told a story through the way you progressed through a detailed map with detours and distinct sections that all made sense in how they were all a part of one specific location. Even SMW has more than just one 1-up minigame. These games had distinct personalities, different aesthetics and inspirations, and the NSMB series serves to get everything in one perfect line. This is what Nintendo would have you believe Mario has Always Been and Always Will Be, which is why it seems projects like Super Nintendo World and the Illumination Mario Movie seem to borrow a lot from these games.

There are some actually good ideas for Mario levels here, some joy is to be had in terms of providing good, reliable 2D Mario platforming. Honestly, I wouldn't go all the way to say this is a bad game. But it seems to actively try to be unremarkable the whole time. The game's marketing revolves around "look at AAALLLL the COOOIIIIINS" but I'll be honest, there's a lot of them but not THAT many. Not enough to hang your entire game on. Also the raccoon leaf is here, P-meter and all, no real reason, it's just here because they need something here, god forbid they come up with an actual new power-up. Like I said, there's genuinely good levels and moments in this game, but it's not worth it.

One last thing: this game tries not to be too hard in terms of level design, which is fine, but it tries to make up for that by making some of the collectibles absurdly difficult to find, usually involving assumptions I would never make on my own. I guess that's also not a bad thing, just slightly exhausting. Glad I never got tricked into actually buying this game at any point. Did you know it's very easy to hack your 3DS?

This was the first game that made me say"maybe there shouldn't be this many of these"

i audibly groaned whenever a star coin was in a sub-area accessed by a hidden block with a vine

it's a mario game. surprised it's the only one to have actual dlc too, from what i remember. closing remarks, if this game was food, i think it would be soup. don't ask me why

i feel like no one actually dislikes this right? goofy little jank mario. love that the controls feel like a weird recreation of Super Mario Bro's already weird controls

If you do not like ecco the dolphin you are not my friend

I can't believe this game predicted the ending to the 2002 M. Night Shyamalan movie "Signs".

This game is a broken piece of shit. It's a masterpiece. The final iteration of Street Fighter 2 is truly a joy to play. There is a reason why it is still played competitively today. The music is iconic, the sound effects and animations are charming and stand out. The game was a blast back in the day and in the modern Fightcade era it is also a doozy. Simply amazing. The Jimi Hendrix of fighting games.