Top 10 Games of All Time

The best games ever, ranked.

I love this game so much more than Eternal, and while Eternal may be a better game I got really bored playing it and didn't ever finish it so this is my fav shooter of all time.
It's Elden Ring.
I do not have more hours in any other game. Even with its flaws, it is still a masterpiece and so significant when it comes to gaming as a whole that it absolutely deserves to be up here
One of the most incredible stories and one of the greatest soundtracks ever written. Everything about this game is timeless, except the graphics :(
This is just objectively the best game I have ever played. Just barely beats out TotK because the voice acting is actually good all-around.
Best puzzle game ever made (besides TotK) and also still hilarious
The best platformer of all time and nothing even comes close
The story, the voice acting, the writing, the characters--all some of the best ever in video game history and the gameplay was fucking great too
If TotK didn't exist, it would be 2nd place. But it does, and now BotW looks nothing more than a tech demo of what its sequel accomplishes.
This is my FAVORITE game of all time, but it's not objectively the BEST. Every voice actor except Matt Mercer (and sometimes Patricia Summersett) didn't really sell it to me. If it did, it would beat P5R, but it didn't, so it gets 2nd place


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