swashbucklery at day, dancery at night (no one can do a better robot)

Even includes Dishonored: Wrath of Korbo

Why did they give Lori a belly button, some mysteries shall never know answers

An appropriate reaction one might say when they get softlocked for the 5th time

Warcraft 3 but for Ken-sama


danganronpa-lite is an interesting departure from the series, not sure how chiaki got a hang of the super shotgun that fast though

there is no god here, only me

Ah yes, the grueling decision to diversify party skills among 4 starting and 2 recruitable characters

Visual novel or not, I will always stand behind a game where the "bad" ending entails suffocation in a pair of tits

blatant fetish fuel for all them peeps who want mommy to step on them

average american white girl visits eu for the first time simulator

Certified samurai warriorTM moving like the wind, stinging like a wasp

My favorite ninja tactic? Tactical nuke of course