This game makes me feel great about who I really am as a person. Not many games can convey such feeling

It's good, people just take stuff too literally
Combat sucks but the plot is solid and does not break canon, just use your brains accordingly

Now this is a 5 stars game. No other experience is like this, let alone a videogame.
If you like philosophy and existentialism, this is the "game" to try

This feels more like futbol than Pes or specially fifa.
Kinda barebones in game modes, but the core gameplay is really fun

Im so glad pixel art games have revived.
This is the kind of story the industry was lacking and that we would have had earlier if its growth was in a pro-consumer way.

Its not a masterpiece but good enough to stay in your mind years after playing it.
Characters are great, plot is very good, the message has been done before but its been presented in an interesting way, and gameplay is fun.

Of course there are details here and there worth addressing, but im sure theyll be worked in future projects

Lord... Everyday im more convinced that Nintendo fans arent real gamers. For years Ive been hearing how this is one of the best games of all time (except that is now Totk), but boy... Everything this game does was done by the WHOLE industry for years.

I admit, it started up great. The Plateau was good fun and learning the mechanics was great, I was really hooked.

Then it tanked. Absolutely no sense of progression. Exploring yields over and over the same shit.

Barren land, everything is open and empty.

Enemies are super easy or will one-hit kill you, as well as almost no variety.

The hidden EXP system is bullshit, punishing the struggling player for just trying and not offering a reward for it. Either you got the hearts and armor before the level up or you're screwed.

Shrines are fun but sucks that are the only way to improve your character.

Quest or chest rewards are usually worthless or very niche.

Korok seeds can eat my balls.

People complained for years about the ubisoft open-world game gimmicks like towers and camps and yet here they are but now everybody praises it... and it isnt even as good!

I get that this is an "adventure game", but games are suppossed to check at least one of two criteria:
A: be a challenge
B: be a power fantasy

I dont see actual challenge nor feel slightly powerful.
I know Im not a pro, but I understood the gameplay pretty well, its not a matter of skill.

Again. Nintendotards overhyping their shit

Want a good open-world adventure game? Play f*cking Horizon Zero Dawn... and I dont even like that game too much! But I can tell when a game is good regardless of my taste.
I dont think Botw is a "bad" game, but being as generic and souless as it is, leaves an ill impression.

Since I already sank 30 hours into this game, I will try modding it, just to be able to enjoy the plot (which doesnt seem that good either) and say I actually finished.

I only score top shit or the best the industry has created, but this one deserves an exception just to piss people off

Either Im playing wrong, or the game does not reward creativity at all. Either you follow the industry standards or go bankrupt very quickly.
Everytime I tried to make something different my games tanked, forcing me to do what I know works from real life, which made the game absolutely arbitrary in turn, no middle ground

Some people dont realize that Baba IS you, not the other way around. YOU are the focus

Now this one is shit as the others but at least is somewhat challenging.
I cant beat it, but my gf keeps getting better

Bought it for my non-gamer gf.
Its simple and easy enough for her to enjoy it so i guess she is the objective audience.
As a gamer i see all its flaws and would never play it just by its quality alone, but the world is better with this game in it

Absolutely overrated.
Gameplay is just fine, generic.
Plot is non-existant. Game ended just when I expected it to start.

Dont get me wrong. I got the platinum for the mainline previous 3, and they arent magic but good enough. This one is... Lacking to define it somehow.

I like Kratos and Atreus' interactions tho, but I can see how thats just part of the standard The Last of Us has left.

Will get Ragnarok, but im not expecting much now, and that may be a good thing

This game is a straight up masterpiece.
Gameplay is great, its something one'd never conceive being fun but it somehow is.

And the plot... Oh boy. I just couldnt drop the joystick. Its a classic Kojima trip but its so good you have to keep playing to know more.
The characters were really interesting, Higgs in particular with his voice acting thats some of the best in gaming history.
The interviews and mail, you just cant wait to read them as soon as you get them, every piece of info is really interesting.

I hate online multiplayer games, specially competitive ones, but i loved how good it felt to be a part of that cooperative world, knowing that every decision i was making could be saving someone else's life.

I dont know, afraid i might be going against the connection message of the game, but i think that those who disliked this game for not being an action game, or just a "delivery simulator", need to stop playing so much mario or call of duty. There are standards in the industry and those who are close minded only perpetuate the status quo, killing off good ideas before they even materialize. Im glad that there were others like me who were able to appreciate the game for what it is, giving the world a chance to get more original experiences.

Cant wait for its sequel, although knowing Kojima, we'd be getting something totally different, but thats ok.

In the meantime, ill replay it to a %100 once i get the director's cut. Its just that good.

Either all of this or im not normal at all

This game is the tits.
On the bad side, it took a good while from release to the last dlc to become the full experience, but aside from that...

- Plot is great
- Chocobros feel like family
- Ardyn being jesus gone dark is amazing
- Battle system is fun enough
- Lots of giant monsters to grind for in the end game
- Overworld character interactions feel repetitive but natural
- Very emotional game

That is the good.

I love this game, FFVII remake can suck it

This is the kind of game I should actually hate, and yes, I also suck at it, but i absolutely love the plot and the psychological theme, it just makes me keep coming for more... And what would you know? Even when I suck I managed quite a good progress, proving that plot is as important as gameplay