i played kirby on it like twice


i didnt actually play it i watched my friend play but it was good!!!! cute music

Not really that fun SORRY its hard to stay alive and i dont like the colors/2d format of the game

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ending sux

swag game but ppl scream in vc and its scary

connect the dots

I played Vincent and I really liked the story. The perspective changes were so cool for multiplayer and it was really fun!

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Good plot twist and good characters

my friends pulled me into this madness but I am now a proud 300k Neeko main and have 3k hours on the game

fun if u play w a cool swag person


i went to the twenty one pilots and lili nas concert and played squid games

Only fun if your friends play too but I like collecting the lil characters

I only made it into the first castle and I cleared it only to find out i DIDNT EVEN BEAT THE GUY after 2 hours and i still had to fight him and i just lost interest