315 reviews liked by scottcj

A game with good ideas and extremely flawed execution. This was my main shooter for almost 2 years. Parts of it were actually pretty great, but overall it was a mess of ideas that weren't fully baked. Feature creep also destroyed this game.

my soul yearns for another game like this bro

combine destiny gunplay + dusts planetary conquest and skill system + planetside scale and u literally have the best fps ever made

The most crowdfunded game in history. In development for over 10+ years. Broken promises.

And yet. There’s something amazing here. Incredible sound design, physics, universal traversal with zero loading screens, incredible graphics, faces and flight model. The best space sim on the market, and one of my favorite games to keep an eye on.

Wow. Star Citizen has an absurd amount of potential. I'm skeptical on whether or not it will ever reach the state we want it to, but there's a lot to love here. Going from the most immersive space-flight simulation in gaming to raiding a base full of terribly programmed soldiers that wouldn't even move and managed to kill me without firing once sums up my few hours of gametime.

Hope this is fully playable someday soon -- and I also hope it reaches a point where it won't melt my computer?

Unique game with enjoyment limited by performance and bugs. Gameplay loops you would find in other space sims, but executed with the biggest scale in a first-person game. Graphical quality was jawdropping when I purchased in 2017 and still looks great even as other engines leapfrog it in technology. Snow builds up on your ships and armors, facial tracking gives your character complex expressions with just a webcam, you go from admiring a planet in full orbit to staring at a texture on a city floor with the same level of fidelity, without any loading screens. Star Citizen has things that other games don't and won't have.

Overall, the vision and promise of this game keep it funded and keep it worth checking out periodically. As development progresses, my play sessions grow longer and longer, and this game will probably soon turn a corner and end up fully justifying its cost. Even after all the obstacles it has faced and promises it has broken, I can't hate on this game.

There was definitely a question on everyone’s mind when this game released…how did that shitty Indiana jones/tomb raider style game get a sequel? And even better…the sequel is better than the original.

After finding el dorado in the original game, Nathan drake is now on the hunt for the mysterious and legendary Shambhala! Ok his journey he meets Chloe Frazer, an old friend Harry Flynn, and the dangerous Zoran (I don’t want to spell his last name cause I know I’ll spell it wrong :/) and he is joined by Elena and sully. The journey takes him completely through Marco polo’s voyage and tests him to his very limits.

Especially the beginning, that is one of the most impressive moments of the entire series.

The gameplay is a major improvement from what it was in drake’s fortune. The gun combat is a lot better and improved, and climbing feels a lot more fluid. Puzzles also feel a lot more complex and challenging (but still not too challenging and probably a lot more interesting).

I’m really not looking forward to getting onto the third game and reviewing it but I may as well get it out of the way soon. Overall though this is a wonderful improvement to what the first game was. And in all honesty, I wish the third game could’ve perfected this game’s formula but alas…

Huge improvement, brilliant gameplay, excellent story, I fucking hate tanks

Millions of dollars and the full power of the PS3 are used to prove that yes, a videogame about a homicidal maniac who thinks he's an action hero can be as good as a B movie.

It's definitely flawed, I can definitely see where the complaints come from, but honestly, it's been a blast for me, and a major step up from CS1 and CS2. Definitely one of the better first parts of Trails arcs, not just graphically and with gameplay, but in terms of raw enjoyment and pacing. I might be in the minority with some of these, though.

A lot of first parts in Trails arcs are about exploration and character interaction, and I think the mentor/student dynamic in a school setting really helps with that. The more militaristic and sci-fi-ish setting really works for me. The field trips have some of the most fun episodic Trails content for me, and some of the cast being from Crossbell really brings an interesting dynamic to a cast that is for the most part from Erebonia. I also really like Rean in this one.

That ending really hit for me, as well. No idea how people waited an entire year for CS4 to come out like this. I immediately opened up CS4 and played the prologue, which blew me away, as well. The hundreds of hours invested into the series are definitely paying off. I will have high expectations for it and Reverie now. Let's hope that I end up being one of the people for whom CS4 really works, since I see extreme opinions on it more than anyone calling it mediocre or just okay.

Very cute and very short game where you play as a muddy puppy trying to get the house as messy as possible! Think of untimed, noncompetitive Splatoon. Takes only like 30 minutes to play and is free, so why not check it out?
