deeply edgy visual novel with some kinda solid social commentary on the patriarchy among other things, I think it can be a bit extreme but I appreciate what it's doing and it can be kinda fun to see how fucked up it wants to get

delightfully fun rpg with a rather beautiful story and my kind of silly jokes, it's balanced just right and it's queer as hell, can't say I have any real complaints with it

literally the best metroid game how did they do it


this game's weird and unsettling as hell, I don't think the gameplay is that good but it's pretty interesting

the different types of boxes and new mechanics really add a lot to this one

decent enough picross game with an interesting gimmick but it's dragged down by mobile game design

basically just extra content for class of 09, it's about the same with everything but I do appreciate the added queer representation even if it goes horribly for everyone involved

insanely good indie action rpg and even has adjustable difficulty, fucking play it

absolutely genius puzzle game with a twisty and turny story, fun visual style, banger soundtrack, and the best dog in videogame history

the fusion mechanic is a ridiculous community effort that simply cannot be understated and it makes the game so much more fun that it would be without it, and it definitely needs that because the actual adventure is just kind of average with plenty of rpg maker jank


perfectly odd game with spooky vibes that really delivers on its concept of being trapped in a world of art, a classic of rpgmaker horror