the whole vibe of this game is so cool and it is honestly quite fun, but the motion controlled swordplay can be a literal pain to use and the level design isn't that good

it really is that good, what can I say

incredibly charming re-imagining of celeste in 3d, it works about as well as you'd expect from this team and it's super impressive such a fun little game was made so quickly (I'm still ass at it though)

fine enough version of panel de pon with an early anipoke skin on it, good level of content but sometimes annoying

stellar fangame prequel type thing that is a true labour of love, all the story routes are excellent and it's full of cool ideas of its own, genuinely blown away by the way it concludes in each route - it's peak fangame

fun and wacky fast-paced 3d platformer, like a sonic game with yo-yo mechanics, and unfortunately also like a sonic game it can be kind of janky in places with controls I personally had issues with sometimes (but it's still fun!)

incredibly fun and satisfying action-heavy adventure with rhythm mechanics that still work even if you're bad at it, full of hype and some good-ass music

simply a really fun run-n-gun, truly a classic and shows how cool the mega drive was

a tricky puzzle-focused metroidvania with some fun mechanics in a beautiful mysterious environment, a lot of secrets are deeply esoteric and getting everything can be a pain but it's a nice experience in general

the most "funny little guy game" to ever be a funny little guy game, short and quirky anti-capitalist little thing

stupid as hell collection of tiny game jam type games made of stock assets with a wacky story stringing things together, doesn't always hit but when it does it's great
That's Beans.

literally the best metroid game how did they do it

short and sweet little love letter to vibes of the moomin series, it's pretty simple but it does well and is a great game for all ages

decent enough picross game with an interesting gimmick but it's dragged down by mobile game design

deeply edgy visual novel with some kinda solid social commentary on the patriarchy among other things, I think it can be a bit extreme but I appreciate what it's doing and it can be kinda fun to see how fucked up it wants to get