short and sweet with minimal difficulty, just a fun little adventure with n64 style graphics and as much charm as any other siactro title

really cool idea for a spinoff done pretty well

peak 2d mario, expressively stylized and never letting up on the unique ideas with largely excellent execution and movement that feels great

neat idea for a puzzle-platformer with mildly janky execution and pretty high difficulty, along with bosses that will take dozens of attempts to get right (usually by design), I mostly had fun with it in the end

kirby's fully 3d debut is literally perfect, how did they manage this

somnium gameplay is kind of ass sometimes but the story is really fucking good and that's what matters

pretty cool drill-based action platformer, has a fun style to it but can be a little underwhelming at times

fun little fighting game, enough abilities and content to keep you going a few hours but I don't know if it's a "good fighting game"

it's really just a glorified boss rush mode with only four abilities but I kind of enjoyed it, love that they brought back nightmare


short vertical platformer, it's fun to try and beat as fast as possible and even features other siactro characters but I think maybe a couple levels have a straight up bad gimmick

incredibly fun and satisfying gameplay with a delightfully cartoonish presentation and MORT THE CHICKEN BABY