Only so low because it performed horribly on ps3.

Great characters. Great music. Not overrated.

Iconic and classic. Great memories.

Simple but very pretty and relaxing with a nice eco-friendly message.

So fucking hard, and yes it is a skill issue.

This is probably the worst game that isn't shovel-ware that I've played and finished. Terrible shooting. Bad voice acting. Bland story. It does have a nice comic-book like art style though.

Gratuitously violent stealth/horror game that isn't very good at stealth or horror. Also doesn't help that steam sells a version that triggers the game's anti-piracy measures, which means you have to patch it with 3rd party software! Yay!

Terrible story with complexity ham-fisted in. Add in button mashing combat.

+Combat is fun and strategic
+Using the sphere grid to level up allows for a lot of freedom and flexibility
+Fantastic art direction
+World building is top notch
+Music (for the most part) is phenomenal
+Epic story

-Puzzles are oddly designed and often not fun
-Bosses rely quite a bit on status effects which can be frustrating to deal with
-Dialogue is sometimes cringy (Tidus gets a lot of bad lines and his va goes a little over the top per usual for jrpgs)
-Menus have parts that are badly designed which is bad for a game that uses them so frequently
-Some party members are way more useful than others

Overall: 7/10

She talos on my principle until I question existence

Everything you could want in a remake. Overhauled visuals. Modernized controls. Expanded story. Respect for the original.

"Where's everyone going? Bingo?"