wonderful little game. very relaxing and great environment. controls are a bit clunky and take a minute to get used to but this great game to just enjoy watching play out

short but fun platformer. movement is limited but it feels good. fun characters and great designs would love to see more from developer

kinda it’s own thing from rest of gen one. used to love listening to the ear piercing pikachu cries loud ass fuck as a kid

played this a lot as a kid i just really like the level/enemy designs and music. it’s an alright mario game but great just like to look at the sprites

tied with five for my favorite gen it’s so charming and fun

this game sucks such major ass me and a friend tried to get into this but it’s so boring. most items are lost upon closing the game so it felt pointless to explore or do anything since it felt like we made no progress. only joy came from hanging w a friend

i’ve only played this chapter. undertale was huge for me as a kid and playing this was big in a different way. day of release after doing everything i could i met with my brother to dig through the files same way we did undertale as kids. the gameplay is a huge step up from undertale it’s clear the level of coding and general game design skill has improved between the two of them. i don’t think ill play anymore chapters until he’s done with them but these games have always meant a lot to me

last fun paper mario. story and characters are still as charming as the first two, gameplay different obviously but it’s a fun platformer in its own way.

played this when i was like 7 and it turned me evil

aged terribly but this has put them into their own category. they play so differently from the other games it really is it’s own experience. if you wanna play old pokémon play gen 2, if u wanna play fucked up pokemon play these ones

everybody love bowsers inside story

it’s the classic i played it a good amount when it released, but i’m just not the biggest fan of it. i like the story and art style i just couldn’t get into the gameplay as much. i’m not the biggest fan of rougelikes to begin with so that’s probably my downfall here

i really tried to like this one more i just couldn’t get into it as much. cute game id still give it a try

i’ve replayed these games countless times. gen 2 is probably tied with 5 for my favorite and these remakes did a great job.