People deal with trauma in different ways. You can go to therapy, find a new hobby, or you can make a passion project that lets you vent all the awful emotions and feelings you've felt into a 40 minute side scrolling experience.


only game to ever create beef between me and me. they finally took absolver combat and made it fun

Unironically GOATed co-op game. Yeah it's short and doesn't have a lot of variety in how you can play the game, but just having that dark souls mentality of "im going to kill this FUCKING boss if it's the last thing I do tonight" in a 2D shoot em up is actually fun. For what it is, a 2D rubberhose styled shooter, it's probably as good as it can get. Fuck the dragon though.

Everything good about this game has been said and it's how I feel about it too. I just don't have the patience for this game. I'm glad people can have fun walking norman reedus around for hours but I can't.

one of those games that was made as more of an experience than a game. The music is decent and fits the game's atmosphere well, making some unique moments. I wish I got more from this game but I didn't.

Was having a good time with this game cause I wanted to play something like L4D2. Then I played L4D2 and realized how awful B4B is for something released in 2020. Basically just call of duty shooting with L4D level design. Just imagine everything being half as satisfying as L4D2 though. Characters, shooting, zombie animations, zombie damage visibility. For example, shooting zombies in L4D2 damages that specific body part, while shooting a body part in B4B just makes it explode in blood. It's just low effort shit like that that's plastered all over the damn game.

It's not even nostalgia kicking in here, they had a really good idea for a game and ran with it. It's a game purposefully designed for a touchscreen, and it's a lot of fun. While the gameplay is just drawing circles at most, they actually give you a wide range of fun mechanics to help you out during that game. It's definitely not fleshed out as much as it could be, but they were def in their experimental bag w this one. The fact that pokemon can just help you draw circles better is cool and makes you want to collect more mons.

They need to make this a mobile game. If someone from nintendo reads this, you need to make a mobile gacha game based around the pokemon ranger core mechanic. You will make millions. I'll send a check when I see the game announcement.

I didn't have platinum cause my dad wasn't buying the same game for me AGAIN, and honestly even though I missed out on girantina and did the steps to get darkrai without knowing he's not even in this damn game, this game is still really good. The step from gen 3 to gen 4 really felt like a NEW GENERATION rather than "hey were just putting stuff out for money."

While the same ol' pokemon formula is still there, we got more amazing music, amazing pokemon designs like drifloon, garchomp and our lord and saviour bidoof, contests were more fun, they took everything from the 3rd gen and made it played around with it to make it better. You gotta respect it.

It's a cool remake that doesn't really make anything better or worse. Just next gen graphics and music remakes (which are nice and appreciated!). The latios/latias travel is kind of cool I guess. Just feels like a game they put the minimum amount of effort in for money, but hey that could be said for a lot of gamefreak games recently.

This game really had 8 year old me walking around the towns listening to music like the world was really alive or some shit. Damn. Only Hoenn.

Team Magma carries the fuck out of this game. Maxie is cool as fuck. Too bad groudon can't be as cool as them.

IGN was lowkey onto something when they said this game had too much water. Though, this is the better game because Kyogre is just 10x cooler than a godzilla ripoff.

If you live in a major city with over a million people and played pokemon go when it came out and it was the closest we've ever been to world peace, you're probably still playing this game.

If you live in Bumfuck, Egypt with a population of 400 like me, you probably tried this game out for a bit when you vacationed to a big city, had fun, and then never touched it again. It's not meant for us.

You should really only be playing this game if you like collecting pokemon or shinies. Battling sucks, but raids and community days are fun despite the awful monetization that get worse and worse each year.

This game is going to get shut down in like 7 years after an executive goes too far milking the game, mark my words.

Nothing in this game is amazing (except the music), but at the same time nothing in this game is bad. Definitely one of those games for people who want to get attached to characters. Gameplay is alright and hasn't changed much from past persona games, but the writing and environments they've cooked up are entertaining enough to want you to keep playing.

Tbh I started playing this game during an awful time of my life so I just can't bring myself to pick it up again LOL

I bought this game because of the yogscast's shadow of israphel series back in like 2012 when it was 15 bucks and buying stuff online using your credit card was scary as fuck.

Seeing it grow is amazing, but at the same time it's frustrating. There's so much shit being added, but it just feels like they're "milking" updating the game. Having your updates come in the form of "VOTE PLZ" instead of just releasing everything is dumb af. This game 100% deserves the success it has and the community will probably keep this game going until the end of time, but it's starting to plateau in fun for a lot of people, me included.