pretty cool when you know what to do. will definitely not be my favorite tho

probably the coolest game ever

ce jeu a changé la trajectoire de ma vie je suis sérieuse…. le meilleur de la duologie et de la franchise. malgré de nombreux défauts, qui s’expliquent par de nombreuses choses, c’est définitivement une belle conclusion. un peu biaisée car j’y ai joué dans un même état d’esprit que tatsuya mdr je suis trop triste d’avoir fini noooo atlus donnez nous le remake

i discovered FFVII not earlier than maybe three years ago with remake like a lot of people, but looking back at it the original is superior in a lot of ways. the graphics can look outdated but it’s still so charming and unique especially when you think about how revolutionary it was at that time... not only gameplay wise, but with this beautiful story as well. i enjoyed every second of it and i will miss them! <3 <3 the themes are still relevant today, in gaming and also in narration; every character is so unique interesting. the music, the locations, the villains, everything was amazing. y'all did not exaggerate when y'all said that this was one of the best games oat

quest save me... save me quest

this on PCSX2 was a pain in the ass

the idea is good but i feel like it could’ve been executed better. it’s really pretty though, and pretty touching

i still genuinely believe this is the best ace attorney game. localize it you cowards