Highest effort april fools prank ever, actually pretty good

This is a game of absurdly high and low quality, the levels are fucking terrible and the stealth literally doesn't work, the slow mo slashing is fun when you dont have to be precise since being precise feels really bad but you only have to do a couple of times in the game. Combat is definetly fun but mindless mainly in the levels which are absurdly easy and get some what mind numbing, also the games combat could've been significantly improved if they let you switch weapons on the fly instead of getting rid of half of your sword moves and having to stand still and open a fucking awful menu, if you could switch on the fly like dmc3 which came out in 2005 then the combat could've been so much better then it is currently. However the main part of this game is the boss fights and they are mostly pretty good with one or twobeing terrible fights and a couple being great especially monsoon who made me want to keep playing since his fight is by far the best part of the whole game and his song is so slept on which leads me to the soundtrack which is actually the best part of the game, almost evey song is fantastic and it makes the bosses even better, the main problem with the soundtrack is that some songs in the levels are not the best but definetly not bad. Also the story while not being good is better then it has any right to be with an ending that actually leaves you questioning whether you did the right thing or not and I respect how overtly political the game is even if it lacks any subtly. This is not the best the genre has to offer but it is a fun time and has many hype moments, like I said this is a game fo such extremely high and low quality and it leaves me wanting a sequal since this could be one of the best if the levels were better and you could weapon switch on the fly and have better enemy design since many of the enemies are so bad to fight against especially those that you cant parry and just have to run away, also make it so enemies can't attack you offscreen, I thought this would have to go without saying but it seems no one ever bring this up whern talking about this game.

I'll stand by this game until the day I die. While the story is fucking terrible and there is a severe lack of hype moments, the combat and level design saves this expirence and this edition of the game takes a very good game to a great game. This definetly isn't my favourite dmc game I will say as a whole game this is probably my 4th favourite in the series, this version of the game is the best version as it adds shit like turbo mode and lock on to the game along with making the game 60fps just makes for a better expirence overall.

This is like one of the best pieces of art ever and its only £15 so I kinda recommend it

The saddest part of this game is that we'll never get a sequel.

This is genuienly my second favourite game I've played on the ps5 and its a free pack in game that shows off the system better then any off the other exclusives maybe except for returnal, actually a banger

This is just a generic ass open world game with spider-man, the combat is pretty good and the story is also pretty good but the stealth is genuienly terrible and the segents where you play as anybody except for spider-man are also terrible espcially the puzzles that you can just skip. And perhaps the most praised part of the game being the web slinging is to me pretty fun at first but then becomes mind numbing since its pretty much all automated making for just brain dead expirence where you win so matter what instead of having to actually get better at the mechanic. But in the end the story is decent and so is the combat and the game looks fantastic but the soundtrack sucks the varitey in gameplay also sucks and the open world objectives are boring ubisoft styled collectables that just aren't fun at all.

I used to think this game was awesome and now I can only play one game without wanting to kill myself from boredom, while the game is mostly well designed the hyper competitive community just makes this a chore to play since there isn't really any room to have actual goofy fun because no one wants to play like that making for one of the most exhausing games I've ever played

edit: I got back into it all you need to do is not care that much but still care abit and play bangers

Honestly liked this about as much as the last game, I didn't love it but for what it is it's pretty fun and has a decent spider-man story with absolutly atrocious pacing by that I mean everything happens way too fast both in terms of story and gameplay, when the game starts to introduce cool ideas its over which is kinda sad because the game probably could've been even better then the last game but as for now this is short but somewhat sweet.

Only those who are the drift kings will understand that this is the best arcade game

Guys, I gotta admit, I really love rick and morty and I like solar opposites meaning that I do in fact like Justin Roiland so this game was really fun to play through. Do all the jokes land? No, do most of them land? No, but the game did give me a good few laughs especially all the ads on the tvs and some interactions within the world were really funny but since there are so many jokes its no surprise that most don't land since the guns are always talking. Tbh it seems that I have a high tolerance for annoyance since they didn't really bother me like ever, the only time I got a bit annoyed was when the games talk shit to you when your running but thats it really, its not that anything they say is especially funny but I dont think they are that annoying and most of the characters are pretty funny like gene and lizzie and a lot of the side characters and underneath this is a surprising compentent shooter with lack luster metroidvania elements.

The gameplay is kinda like a cross between the movement of games like doom eternal and ultrakill with some of sensibilities in games like halo (main example I could think of would be the shield) and ratchet and clank (with all the weapons) but I don't really think that the game does an especially good job when compared to those games in terms of movement mainly due to it feeling a little clunky and jank especially at the beginning, when you get the jetpack things start to feel a lot better but it still feels like the game could have had a little bit more fine tuning in this respect. When it comes to the weapons, the variety isnt super high since there are only 5 guns you get throughout the game but each gun is varied enough to compel you to change between them which can lead to some really fun combos and the way you interact with some of the abilities is also really fun especially the disc that gus shoots out which can be parried to make it last longer, this kinda stuff makes this game a bit more than just some shooter with Justin Roiland's sense of humour its a legitmatly competent and fun game with decent combat mechanics. However, this is pulled down a bit by the lack of enemy variety, for the most part you are only fighting 4 or 5 different enemy types, when comparing this to most other shooters of this kind such as doom eternal thats quite bad and it leads to many encounters feeling the same which isn't helped by the fact that the enemys can all be taken out in the same way so there isn't really any need for expirmentation since all the enemies are pretty much the same its just that some have more health then others.

Also exploration isn't anything special, the only thing that really compelled me to explore was to get crystals so I could get warp discs since it gave me quite a few funny bits that I enjoyed but other than that there isnt much of a reason other than getting credits but youll get enough credits to buy what you need anyway so there isn't much want or need to go back when you have new abilities since it isn't that fun. The best part is looking at the worlds which look really good especially with lighting which is great and character models for the most part are really highly detailed espically the guns. Also the music is really nice with a lot of nice ambient music similar to that found in trover.

This game is nowhere near as bad as some sugget even if you dont like the humour there is still an above average fps game here with decent mechanics and pretty decent level design but if you do like the humour it will make it a better expirence, I dont think that this is squanch games best effort (that being trover saves the universe), I still do think the game is pretty damn good and I recommend giving it a shot especially since half the people rating this game really low havent actually played it and have seen a couple of clips they thought werent funny. Also I gotta give respect to the team for including a whole host of different comedians and internet personalities such as Micheal Cusack, Zach Hadel, and even Red Letter Media which I did not see coming at all, it's really cool to see these guys here and its not just cool and funny because I recongize them from stuff I like but the parts they play almost feel like I'm watching a video from them, this especially applys to red letter media who just commentate over the movie demon wind which you can watch the entirety of with their comentary and its really funnny since it just feels like I'm watching (or listening to) a red letter media episode.

edit: Oops

The only reason this is above average is becaue the zombies is by far the best in the series, if I could I'd give the zombies a 5/5 because it is that good but without that the game is quite bad


Scorn is one of the best games I've ever played, this is definetly not meant for everyone and can understand why people wouldn't like it but for me this is one of the most beautiful and insigtful games I've ever played truly an artistic achievement that I think will be looked back upon favourablly. I think many people had a mixed or negative expirence with the game since many people thought it was going to be some kind of boomer shooter but when it released and it was this abstract expressionist art piece it turned many people off since (if were being real) most gamers do not have high artistic aspirations when it comes to thier entertainment especially when it comes to games, most people want a game that empowers them and live out a power fantasy but scorn is the exact opposite, it isn't a power fantasy if anything it's an exercise in depowerment which is especially prevelent in the combat which could be argued to be bad but at the risk on being a bit pretencious I think that the combat being sluggish and incredibly janky only adds to the depowerment of the game and adds to the misery and despair that the game is based around as it fully shows you the creators grim and bleak out look on the world and the whole concept of life as a whole because, at least to me scorn is a game about the cycle of birth, life and death and how we, as humans, precieve these conecpts and how we deal with such exercential concepts as death which is perfectly shown throughout the game.

An example of this is at the beginning of the game in which you bring this creature into this world and push it along a rail almost as if you were pushing a baby in which the birthing process is incredibly painful, this is the only puzzle in the game that has multiple methods of solving it one method involves killing the child and the other is letting it live but leaving it in a trap not allowing it to escape leaving it to rot away. To me this could represent how people are pushed in one direction thier whole life without preparing them for the world we live in and using that naivety to exploit people, I think this is furthur validated by the fact that in both endings of the puzzle you use the child for your own benifit by either using its arm to progress in the game or using the child to open the door and leave it behind to rot.

This type of visual and interpretive story telling is used throughout the game and is super effective in enganging the player and making them think about what the game means to them. This type of story telling is only added upon by the genuienly perfect visuals that has some of the best art I've ever seen in any piece of media and evokes so many emotions such as disgust and sadness especially seeing all the mangled corpses of the people who enhabited this world. Also, the puzzles are mostly quite simple and easy which to me isnt much of a problem because the puzzles aren't bad they're mostly engaging and furthur adds to the mechanical design of the world where it feels like these small parts are apart of a bigger machine. The game does a good job at guiding you around its enviroments without explicitly explaing where to go and I thought the ending was geniuenly beautiful and incredibly thought provoking.

Overall, if this sounds like it appeals to you I would highly recommend checking this out espeically since the game is on gamepass but I will warn that the game is quite gory and will fuck you up for weeks, this is by far my favourite game of the year and I highly reccomend it. I almost forgot to mention the ambient and opressive soundtrack which perfectly fits the game and adds to the gorgeously bleak atmosphere, not many instruments just a lot of drepressive drones and ambience which is perfect for this game, definetly one of the best osts of the year just behind sonic frontiers.

HOLY SHIT. This is such a hugh improvment over the last game, level design, controls, animation, graphics everything is hughly improved even the combat, there are still a lot of problems such as some of the levels being bad especially the last one which goes on way too long and revels how the amundance of bottomless pits can limit your expirmitation and make the parts when the game bugs out more frustrating. Also fall damage is just kinda dumb, doesnt mess well with the level design and comes of as unnecessary and at worst frustrating. While combat is better is still not very good and button mashing will still work effectivly but boss fights are a lot better. The main things that are improved are the controls and level design, spark controls super well at top speed and platforming is just better and the level designs are fun to play through even if your not exploring which is actually encourage and is fun to do, the main thing that improves the levels is the fact that they arent as flat and actually have mechanics that go well with the controls. There is one big problem with some of the levels and that is madatory combat sections which just bring the game to a hault and make playing through some of them a slog to get through especially levels which are just all combat. Also wish there were more than two powerups in the game, I would have like powerups that actually influenced speed instead of just combat like some of the powerups in the first game, also this is probably the weakest ost out the these games. Overall super happy with how this turned out, hugh improvment over the second game which I was not a fan of at all and is by far the best game so far, I hope the next game will be even better.

Motherfuckers who say some shit like "Sonic team take notes" and show this game need to actually evaluate this game on its own merits because damn this is a fucking mess, genuienly shocked and kinda updset that I really wasnt a fan of this, I think the last game could have made for a cool 3d game but the level design is bland and boring and in the last stages which are straight up unfair with really bad enemy placement. Also the controls are really bad espically going at fast speeds and the combat is some of the mind numbing shit ever and this means that the boss fights are also really bad. The game also looks really bad but the music is really good, not as strong as the last game but still some bangers in here and the final boss was kinda cool just because I didnt expect what it is was going to be but as a boss its still not very good since the combat is still bad. I have a large amount of respect for the devs especially since this is mostly a solo project but I still think the game is bad doesnt really matter how many people worked on it I just found the game boring and dull with some heart in there.