i punch the air when i blow that fucking freak's head open with the sawn off im beast mode

this game has FAR too much yapping getting in the way of silly robot antics for my liking

i had fun. i like playing this with my girlfriend. i think roadhog is sexy

i win bitch. time to fish

sort of like pointless but i like making horse versions of my favourite characters and walking around observing some of the crazy shit going around. i made a nepeta leijon horse and accrued a group of three other nepetas and we sat around and shot the shit for a while. that was sweet. i like horses and such things. playing this game is like taking part in a digital anthropological study

hands down the coolest formal presentation ive ever seen in a shooter at this sort of scale. even if the gameplay isnt anything groundbreaking or even necessarily interesting the overall experience that culminates from all the unique audiovisual factors makes this a total thrill ride. i dont give a fuck that its basically on rails and involves pretty much just finding cover and then shooting, its sick as hell. it's sort of unreal how immersive the camerawork in this game is, even between cutscenes and gameplay, which I was curious as to how the game would pull off. the sloppy shot composition and unsteady operation blends perfectly with the blurry, shaking mess on the screen when you run, the video bitrate decreasing when the gunfights become especially chaotic, and even the audio clipping depending on proximity to loudness. so fucking cool dude. the attention to detail on this level even goes as far as having a fucking fisheye on the lens, not even mentioning how the highlights get easily blown out and the light refracting at like every possible turn lol. god dude. im begging for more games to tackle this kind of found footage model, even down to the way this game just throws the plot out of the window in order to hone in on the snapshots of recording. even if the story doesnt really have any diegetic relation to this form, it adds so much in the way of atmosphere and feeling. like this shit feels gross dude. seeing corpses with their heads pixellated out because you blew it off with a shotgun is a wild thing to put in your game. cruel voyerustic nasty stuff. rules. ugliness is beauty style is substance babie lets go

this shit fucking rocks dude. hope eradicated. im popping bitches heads off like pimples. 7 million in my bank account. a mere $500 fee to rebuild my obliterated body over and over again means less than nothing to me. ceo mentality