14 Reviews liked by sickdonut

Not explaining shit. Game of all time. Shoutouts to the Dreamcast.

A fantastic follow-up to Sonic's debut, this game improved the experience with a new, occasionally useful sidekick, and more interesting levels and bosses. It feels like it was Sega's way of saying that Sonic was here to stay, and the possibilities for the series were expanding. The franchise would reach better heights shortly after this, but this remains a fine sequel!

the only trilogy to have franziska von karma. I love Franziska von Karma. God bless whoever came up with her.

Beautiful and very satisfying platformer

I woke up and just thought about randomly reviewing one of my biggest childhood games. This and a couple of other games are what made me crave Sports/Racing games that have tons of unlockables and content in them. It's a great kart racer. I don't really like to call things that aren't Mario Kart, "Mario Kart clones", because Mario Kart, I feel, pioneered the whole subgenre, but that doesn't mean that there aren't shameless cash grabs that just try to get a quick buck that basically do nothing to differ from Mario Kart. This however, isn't one of those games. The tracks are all beautifully crafted and feel like adventures. The transformation mechanic is a great one, since all 3 modes control well. Don't worry if you don't like inverted controls on the plane sections, then you can just turn them off. Some people hate the character roster, but to be honest. I just find it funny, seeing Danica Patrick casually appear in this game and be unlocked like it's nothing, it's hilarious to me. Speaking of unlockables or more so, content. This game's got it. I love campaigns in Racing games with multiple modes that test your skills. The A star missions are actual challenges, and if that wasn't enough for you, the devs just decided to add in an S Class difficulty after you beat the main bulk of the campaign. Be warned though that the CPUs can be kinda stupid sometimes in these. You can also unlock "mods" for characters that give them different stats depending on the type of mod. I know these aren't crazy, but I just like the customization options. There's your standard Grand Prix as well. The remixes for each track are great as well. I just love a lot about this game, even if some of it comes from nostalgia. I mean for crying out loud just go into the options and mess around with the announcer and see what happens. It's great. Just a fantastic kart racer all around.


Me and the boys going in to battle in tank trouble. Fuckin Lit. Playing this at school is HYPE.



Map was huge, and because it was apocalypse there were huge amounts of gasoline laying around everywhere. There were no civilization or towns, but races were organized everywhere all the time. Of course, nothing makes any sense in the end of the world. Plenty of cars and bikes to choose from, and they all behaved differently. This was a very good racing game, a highly underappreciated gem!

Sort of like a "Best of" compilation of classic Sonic zones, mostly from Sonic 2, with new layouts. It looks and runs and looks great, it's pretty solid all around, it's just that if I have a Sonic itch, I'm probably just gonna play the Genesis games or Mania, but this is still pretty damn good

the game isn’t perfect and honestly the environments look really rough and nothing like a sonic game should but the open world gameplay is addicting and so engaging the flaws of the game melt away for me. i absolutely loved my time with it and can’t wait to see where sonic goes in the future

I dont care that this game was ass because of the amount of glitches it had, my little kid self just loved tf outta sonic and got thru this game on a weekend i rented it thru blockbuster. Yeah i got stun locked by silver in the boss fight against him but it was funny hearing him say "ITS NO USE, TAKE THIS" over and over again