12 reviews liked by sillycat47810949

Game changer in comic book video games.

The best kart racer. Its garfield. Thats all you need to know.




prey accurately describes what valorant players do when they hear a girl speak on their team

I’ve had my account since 2014 and what a ride it’s been. I might be nostalgic, but I truly do miss the old roblox, where there were games that actively captivated me. Now it’s just the same old.

I’ve probably spent more time in Roblox Studio than in actual Roblox Games because something about building just resonates with me.

Okay experience, but a lot of the charm that it’s had is now completely gone.

The shittiest dlc Ubisoft has ever made, and not just because they’re pretending it’s a full game and selling it for 4 times the price.

As troubled and as controversial as this game was into the lead up to the launch, I was ready and willing to give it an unbiased look. I like to think I don't get swept up in a lot of internet outcry so a lot of the things that made people upset (Poison Ivy & Batman) did not bother me, even as a long time comic book fan.

2/3rds of my time with this game, were a really fun looter shooter that reminded me of Sunset Overdrive with a super hero skin. Some missions were kind of annoying but nothing was too egregious just a whole lot of "do X to build up your gear to go fight Y". The chemistry between the squad was funny, there were definitely moments that had me exhaling from my nostrils or even letting out a slight chuckle. They all stick to their archetypes pretty hard, Deadshot the straight man, King Shark the off shoot Drax, Captain Boomerang the loser that no one takes seriously and Harley being well Harley.

Where this game seriously falls apart is the last third, once the team accomplished their main goal the live service aspect of the game really opens up and you can see where they gutted this game when they delayed it from last year. The game's story ends without a real resolution in favor for keeping you coming season after season to buy cosmetics and to keep playing their mid ass game. Live service video games suck, and this one is no different. Disappointing.

To preface, this is the 1st Final Fantasy game I've ever played, so I did not have any attachments to the previous game's gameplay loops and direction. The combat is fun, using and combining the different Eikons abilities for stylish combos and high damage. The boss battles are a highlight for me as well as you take on other Eikons over the course of the main campaign, the spectacle and scale are a sight to behold.

The game was recommended to me as an RPG, however after playing, it felt to me more akin to a God of War style action-adventure hack n' slash. As I love Kratos' series of games, it felt familiar to me while also being distinctly Final Fantasy in its presentation and music. The score is phenomenal, and the voice acting is great, the standout being Ben Starr as main character Clive Rosfield. The story for the most part was entertaining, and I appreciated the active time lore that I can check when I pause the game, notably when certain plot points and character appearances are glossed over in cutscenes.

Now on to a couple of nitpicks, I did every side quest before tackling the final mission and I was not a fan of certain side missions, as they were there to just pad the length of the game, instead of enriching the lore and truly building the world of Valisthea. Certain missions make Clive the cliche video game errand boy of whatever town he is in instead of establishing genuine connections with the townspeople. These tasks come across as boring and there were a couple of times where I got the feeling of either turning the game off and coming back to it later or just skipping it for the main story. To me, it messes with the pacing of the game to go from an epic Eikon battle to a long quest of fetching materials or saving a character you've never interacted with prior, which stops my excitement of the main storyline to a screeching halt.

The best side missions in my eyes are towards the end of the game, where Clive has purposeful missions with the ones closest to him in his party and those in the hideaway. Without spoiling, these missions along with the hunt board are the side content that I enjoyed the most in my playthrough.

Another issue I had with the game was I feel they time jumped too quickly where we could have had more meaningful interactions with characters that had little screen time. Each stage of Clive's life could have been extensive arcs to play through, comparable to the seasons of Game of Thrones that I believe Square Enix was inspired by for this game. For example, instead of jumping from teenage Clive so quickly after the incident at Phoenix Gate to the present, there could have been more time spent with his father Elwin, uncle Byron, and even his mother Anabella whom he has a strenuous relationship with to further show their very different relationship dynamics. This would help humanize Clive further than what we got in the first few hours of the game. You could have even seen some of the time Clive spent with the Bastards, the group of Bearers he was stationed with years after the incident, as his team could have offered different side stories to tell as well.

It's interesting they decided to condense the game in this way, as looking up Final Fantasy as a series and deciding which ones to play first, I see Final Fantasy X has a second game, VII has Crisis Core and the remake is being split into two games, and XIII has TWO direct sequels. All this to say maybe FF XVI could have benefitted from being split into 2 games or more as well, so we could have had more time to fall in love with these characters in the game's world.

Overall, I did enjoy my time with Final Fantasy XVI, with a fluid and responsive combat system, with bombastic boss fights, a beautiful score and sublime voice acting. Clive's story is an epic of pomp and circumstance akin to a season of Game of Thrones that I wished had more story beats to watch his character grow up in and establish more personal connections with the vast cast of side characters. Seeing how others feel about this game, especially the debate between action combat versus turn-based combat, I'm interested in playing other games in the series and seeing how this game holds up to them, because I have heard some incredible things about other entries.


Clive is my GOAT. This game features some of the greatest action sequences of all time. The OST, the boss fights, the world, and the characters are all incredibly done. However, the moments in between the highs, are extremely boring and mundane. Missions like "talk to NPC #1 then talk to NPC #2 then talk to NPC #3" are riddled throughout and slow the pace of the game down immensely. However, fighting Bahamut and Titan are worth the slog.

no killer moth smh worst lego dc game