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The game of all time. While some of the minigames were quite meh I overall had an AMAZING time with this game, between the satisfying combat, beautiful world and amazing character interactions this quickly became one of my favorites in the series. Also contains one of the most epic final bosses I've seen in the series so far??? And the soundtrack????? Truly the best 136 hours I've spent in a long time

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Gameplay is excellent, characterization is amazing, characters feel so much more real and nuanced and I care about everyone significantly more than the OG go round. As far as story I feel there's an excessive amount of padding to ensure a 40 hour experience, visiting Jessie's home and the Train Graveyard are cool additions, the second visit to the sewers and Hojo's lab not so much. Sidequests are mostly forgettable outside of a small handful. The story being a pseudo sequel thing is interesting and I'm excited to see where they take it in Rebirth and beyond. As for the Yuffie dlc my only real complaint is not being able to control Sonon, this is a minor nitpick in the grand scheme of things but just mildly frustrating.

Amazing game, just not in the headspace to play this right now, will return later

Amazing for it's time but too difficult for me widdle brain to handle

Schrodinger's Cat is going to haunt me for the rest of my life

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Kiryu Chapters 5 stars, Saejima Chapters 3 stars, Haruka/Akiyama Chapters 5 Stars, Shinada Chapters WOULD have been 5 stars if it had come first but being introduced to a new character who's unrelated to the overall plot so late in the game really brings it down which is sad because he's such a fun character, alas 2.5 stars

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So many great ideas but between the awful pacing, bloated cast list with characters who have no relevance to the plot after they join and the famously rushed second disc I just could not get through this game. Truly a shame because I did finish watching the game on YT and there IS the foundations of an amazing game it's just executed poorly. Could really benefit from a remake

Wowee I have never played a game that FELT so good to play

An awful game but 10/10 recommend playing just for the memes

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Same pros and cons as the first game but doubled down with EXTREMELY transphobic dialogue, yes the people being transphobic were framed as bad people it felt like too much

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Lot's of compelling ideas and throwbacks to 90s horror media but a weird transphobic twist in the story left a bad taste in my mouth

If someone yells at me about vegetables again so help me

You had to make ethically questionable choices to be gay :(