The Great Life of Benjamin Brynn

This game contains the most immersive experience I had in a video game, passing through even Red Dead Redemption or The Last of Us. Here we are living a situation where we navigate to the afterlife with accompanied by some kind of Charon, who has the obligation to tell who we are to the Gatekeeper (kind of the guardian of the next world) and, because of that, he asks us to tell our story to him. The problem here is, we do not remember the story, so we have to live all our memories again with the purpose to transmit them to the navigator.

The gameplay aspect is impressive, even being pretty “simple”, I think we can say that it is a focus. We interact with the game by blinking, like in real life, so I feel like a webcam is necessary. Every time we blink, the memory which we are living passes and doesn't come back, the game basis is this, try to understand the protagonist’s story as much as we can, because we cannot keep our eyes open one hundred percent of the time. I must say that the game has some issues with glasses, because sometimes it registers a blink when you had not blinked, or it doesn't register a blink while you are blinking.

The Story is, with no doubt, the strongest point, but I don’t want to speak anything because anything can mess your experience. The only problems here are that it doesn't have subtitles in Portuguese (my native language), and it also has some scenes where you cannot read subtitles at all, which kind of obligates you to speak English.

I got extremely impacted by Before Your Eyes, living Benjamin’s story was an unforgettable experience and, if I could, I would love to live it again for the first time. I highly recommend this masterpiece!

This is a great DLC, although it still could have been the most solid experience in all the post-released content in the franchise. I say this because while we have an incredible main storyline, with a very charismatic villain and one of the nicest protagonists, the game fails to develop the secondary character, which isn't an obligation, but the problem is that the game introduce these characters and make us wait to see when they-re going to be important and, in the end, we never get to see it.

Besides this issue, I think the game is very cool, the story is good, not the biggest plot, but a very nice one. Also, I think the game struggles with performance, I played on a PS4 Slim, and it felt very rusty, I dealt with some crashes and bugs, but I'm already used to Ubisoft, so there was no problem.

So, by all that, I think I can say this is a very nice DLC, especially if you hated all the focus on Jacob that the main game had. Here we see Evie as a true protagonist, still having to deal with problems left by her brother, but this time she is alone, which means fast success. I recommend this if you like the franchise, besides that, there is no big focus on Jack the Ripper as a historical character. Loved it.

This is a very short, but complete, game, It takes less than an hour to beat it, and I can assure you that it is worth a try. I say this because this is game has such a good art style combined with an amazing soundtrack that carries on until the end of the storyline. I recommend this a lot, specially to those who do not have too much time to spend in games right now, but it is still a great experience for everybody.

I forgot to write about it in the day I completed the game, so I think I can write a more centered review about it.
The game has the usual Age of Empires gameplay, which is great. I finished the main storyline and I can say that the gameplay is a bright part in the game, imagine the exact middle point between AoEII and AoEIII gameplays, this is AoM. I loved all the gameplay experience, but I feel that the game needed to have a more solid difference between the civilizations. This stands because the three main ones(Greeks, Egyptians and Vikings) have a very different gameplay, but it ends there, there is no actual difference from playing with your main god as Zeus or Hades, because you still are going to play with the same civilization, but with different troops.
About the story, it is pretty cool, not as good as the AoEIII, but still a very solid one. I loved how they introduced some famous characters into the plot, they did as if the character were originally from the game, which is amazing to see from a 2002 video game.
If you already like the RTS genre, I highly recommend you to try this classic, it's a bit repetitive, but still a great experience. Also, if you are a mythology enthusiast, I also recommend you to try it, it is amazing to see characters interactions like Quíron making alliances with Egyptians, or just watch a battle to decide if Thor is stronger than Zeus. Although, if you never played any RTS game, and want to start a story with the genre, or just try it, I recommend you to first go to a more solid experience, been it online(AoEII) or single-player(AoEIII). Overall, it is still a great game, and it is amazing to see how its design still holds up to this day.


Nice game, it feels great to experience something different today where all the games feel the same in some way. The story is ok, what really carries the game is the gameplay, which is very unique compared to today's titles. The only downside of this game is the performance, the PS4 experience is not as great as the PS5 or the PC one because it seems like this game was not well optimized for this generation.

Great game, unfortunately the time was not good to the gameplay, but this still is a masterpiece! I finished the game in 13.7 hours, but if I had not used any help I would die without finishing it. If you don't get a map, this game can be really frustrating, so I highly recomend simple guides to everybody that search for a good experience.