This game was far too easy
However, the music, visuals, new Pokemon, and general progression was pretty pleasing, if not a little bland due to the aforementioned easy difficulty.
Oh, Shauna is great btw. The only one of the group of friends I really cared for.
The ending made me cry and made me want to immediately replay the game.
Overall, pretty damn good. We need more AZ.

Session 1 4/26/2023: I'm liking it so far, but I think having to level weapons in a Mega Man game is really dumb. The difficulty is pretty high off the bat, although i am admittedly terrible at these kinds of games.

it's like mr driller but what if the music sucked

godlike soundtrack, and weirdly stressful but a lot of fun

this game brings me back to the days of being 6 years old and playing rpgs i had never heard of, and just getting lost in the experience for weeks.
i feel right at home in this game, and i love it

it feels really good to play
one of two games that are responsible for me getting into fighting games, the other being Dead or Alive 5 Last Round

way too easy
enemy variety is low
builds don't really seem to matter all that much (seriously, the game is way too easy)
bosses are not that interesting
i dunno. play nioh 2 instead, it's 1000x better

it just feels really fucking good, and is incredibly pretty
i love the animation style

the soundtrack is underrated, and the magic mechanic is dope af

billy is actually amazing in this game and duck king is one of the most fun fighting game character ever made
wish it were easier to select ex characters tho

this is like tekken except what if it was actually good
okay, jokes aside, i adore this game. nothing feels better than getting those big ass counter hits and deleting half your opponent's lifebar, or doing a big combo into a command grab that throws them off the map and then grants you the opportunity to combo AGAIN
also, this is the game that is responsible for me getting into fighting games in the first place, so needless to say, it deserves every bit of love i give it and more. without doa5lr, i never would have bothered with the rest of the genre. a claim that can only be shared by skullgirls.

the moon system effectively makes this game 3 times bigger
that by itself would get this game 5 stars, but then they had to go and implement some of my favorite system mechanics ever concieved in a fighting game, and also make every single character a blast to play on top of that
play it. it's so fucking good

The biggest KOF roster we have ever gotten, and one of the biggest fighting game rosters PERIOD.

Pick a team and play. Don't be surprised when you look up and you already have 200 hours in the game