Nintendo Direct - 6/22

That was a pretty solid direct, tons of surprises and the usual eh titles. Not including all that was revealed

Honestly the art style kinda grew on me after really not liking it at first. I'm still not really sure how I feel about this game since it still feels a little too close to the classic games (also the characters here lol) and I wish the direction was more different for a 2D game like the advance series and rush. Still may give it a chance though.
This game being overshadowed again by another remake is comical. Still gonna get it though.
The entire reveal of this game is a fever dream. This looks so rough and is very bizarre. I'm not going to get it but I am really curious what the game plays like.
This was such a cool reveal. I never got around to finishing the snes game as a kid but I might actually finish this game now, especially that the bad platforming and kinda questionable timed button presses on attacks are addressed. To be nitpicky, as much as I like the new look it does lose a bit of the charm of the original's more weird and dark designs. The UI is kinda bland too but I don't mind.
Don't know shit about this game other than it is happening
It's a luigi's mansion game.
Honestly, I'm a little intrigued about this game. Need to check more on it but it'll be on my radar.
This looks dope. Something else to fill my smt hunger
Already been sold on this, didn't need to see more. Game still looks so gorgeous. I get the concerns about the changes to night traversal and the characters, but I think Nintendo might have found a way to work with this so it doesn't clash hard with the series' identity.
Okay this was a big surprise. I'm real curious on if Nintendo's push to port and remaster gamecube games onto the switch with Metroid Prime to this means that switch online won't be getting a tier or addition of gamecube games to the service. I prefer buying the games individually rather than signing up for a service to play them, so that works for me but this makes NSO (which it already was) an even more stinky deal for the expansion tier. But anyways, glad to see these games get re-released with some QoL changes though I may wait to get it because of the price.
So what you will about Konami's bullshit, but their recent efforts with collections of their franchises have been great. I loved playing through the Castlevania one on Switch last year and no doubt will enjoy playing this collection on my ps5 or switch when it comes out. Hopefully Vol. 2 isn't far away.
My first reaction to this was: "Wow, finally a game from the Evening Star devs I can get into because it's not 2D Sonic."
Funny this was announced. I've been thinking of getting into this series recently and this was conveniently announced. Definite buy depending on the cost.
Similar to Sonic Superstars where I like that both series' are finally doing something different with their (stagnant) style yet I wish it went a little harder or deviated more. People comparing this to Rayman Origins/Legends made me die a little because those games are still leagues ahead of what was shown of Wonder so far. It's 2D Mario so I'm not the most hype for it but glad to see things are finally changing. Also not that great of a game to end off the direct unlike something like Metroid Prime 4 but I doubt that game will make an appearance for maybe like 2-3 years at this point.


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