If you liked Until Dawn, you'll likely like The Quarry as well. The mechanics and UI are extremely similar, if not the same for the most part; The Quarry captures the same feeling that Until Dawn gave me the first time I played through it, and I enjoyed The Quarry more than any of the games in The Dark Pictures Anthology.

This is a low rating, and I feel like I haven't given it a fair shot.

Used to play this in the high school library during lunch period. Everybody had it installed on thumb drives and the librarians would also give us a hard time. Good times.

Countless middle-school hours spent on this game.

Fantastic horror and suspense game. Singlehandedly got me into the genre.

What every adventure game should strive to be.

Personally my least favorite in the Dark Pictures Anthology.

Fails to recapture the soul of the game it is modeled after (Left 4Dead), and feels like a glorified P2W mobile game.

I used to play this with my dad and just drive the wrong way on the track and crash head-on into oncoming cars. He would get annoyed at this but it was a lot of fun for me as a kid.

Extremely challenging but extremely rewarding

Loved "Be a Pro" mode in this madden