there are people out there that straight up say "this is just Crazy Taxi but with The Simpsons" like it's some sort of criticism

Reviewed on Apr 20, 2023


1 year ago

I loved playing this as a kid. Still got my copy on PS2. I need to give it a go again soon.

1 year ago

I don't find a game that steals a popular concept or design and attaches it to a well-known license to be especially respectable or worthy of praise. Maybe that's just me though.

1 year ago

What if it's kinda fun though

1 year ago

that doesn't make it any less terrible creatively. If it's fun, that because of Crazy Taxi, so you'd be better off just playing that instead.

1 year ago

@HylianBran but bart simpson is funny and he isn't in crazy taxi so i'm better off playing road rage

1 year ago

Crazy Taxi being the original means jackshit if I can't hear the Mr. Plow song.

1 year ago

idc if its creatively bankrupt or not if its fun its fun

1 year ago

Genuinely trying to imagine what it would be like to be super into video games but ONLY 100% ORIGINAL ones NO REUSED IDEAS lol, there's like maybe fifteen of them ever

1 year ago

@DJSCheddar it's one thing to take inspiration from another game, but this crosses the line. It's plagiarism and I am in no way out of line for finding such a game to be detestable. This wasn't even made because someone had an interesting idea for a Crazy Taxi-like game, it's just a cheap licensed game that steals most of its ideas from another popular game.

1 year ago

@HylianBran yeah but with simpsons

1 year ago

@chucklenuts I don't get it, does he not realize that in this game you can drive the Homer Car, from The Simpsons?