Jusant was quite literally just a pleasant stroll. Sometimes I don't like games that are littered with collectable story bits because it feels a bit tired, but it really works for Jusant. Collecting notes and letters from previous inhabitants allows you the time to think about them and their lives while you advance up your next climb. I didn't 100% it on my first climb, but I think I'll take another one sometime.

This game felt like it didn't know what it wanted to be, and because of that it was an unpolished collection of ideas more than a cohesive game. I like the concept of being able to approach the game from any angle but I think it doesn't work practically. It was "space skyrim" to its own detriment. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained.

The only thing that makes this experience enjoyable is the people you play it with. Despite this, it is a lot of goofy fun to jump in with your friends and see how long you can last until someone rage quits, gets bored, or you lose

A sweet and simple metroidvania. Took me just under 20h to 100% the game on steam. I enjoyed the mechanics but I felt that all things considered they lacked a certain level of depth. That being said I think that most of the weapons are balanced, and I enjoyed finding new familiars and trying all the possible gear combinations. Newgame+ barely added any challenge, and anyone looking for more than a walk in the park should consider using a password to enable nightmare mode by default.

diablo II, but better graphics! I don't know if other people care about seasonal content but I impartial about it. Cool game, fun loot grind, feels kinda crunchy.

Rage inducing but not in the fun way. Just felt like I could never master the controls enough to make any real progress. Fun to watch, not fun to play.

A lot of people praise this game but it just never felt all that special to me. Felt like a licensed property 3d platformer that sold as shovelware on a forgotten console. The art is nice but it was the only part of the experience that was memorable.

A solid puzzle game with enough unique mechanics to provide an entertaining level variety. One thing I will say is that the controls felt cumbersome on console so I would probably recommend playing on PC.

A fun pokemon clone game. Didn't have enough unique mechanics to hold my attention for all that long but I might replay it and give a full review at some point.

I liked watching a youtuber play this game and I thought I would enjoy playing it. Not really tho tbh. Combat didn't feel too great and the dialogue wasn't as funny without the funny voices.

I'm not very good at it but its a fun little game. I'll probably try it again sometime.

It took me an hour to make a sandwich. This game is a fun sandbox experience but I cannot recommend it for any actual "gameplay"

A very janky survival fantasy game. Rust meets Skyrim, with no polish whatsoever. Only fun if you want to experience the jank with friends.

A pretty souless ARPG experience. Out of your options for ARPGs on mobile tho, this is still less expensive than the end game of Diablo Immortal.

A puzzle game disguised as a roguelike disguised as a dungeon crawler. there are a lot of intricacies and nuances that I still haven't worked out yet but I am enjoying mastering the basics! I need to give this one some more time but the fundamentals are quite solid.