A fun 2d tac shooter based on verticality. No, I didn’t think I would ever say those words in that order either.

The lineage system is fun, but man I am bad at platformers. I have a decent number of hours in this game and I feel like I’ve seen maybe 10% of it because I always die.

Probably the best of the scribblenauts franchise.

The rag doll physics and secrets are fun on first exploration, but the game has little to no replayability.


Wizard game immersive sim from hell. I enjoy the mechanics of this game far too much to be this bad at it. Despite countless hours of watching tutorials on how to build wands I still cannot wrap my brain around it. You will spend 90% of your time with this game in the first level.

Do you want to play factorio in 3d with significantly less hostile mobs? Me neither. It does what it sets out to do well, I just have plenty of other games to scratch this itch.

I’ve been playing this game since alpha and I’m still playing it. Despite this fact, I have never beaten the campaign once. I have played countless mods and started nearly 100 different saves. I love the early game but man fluid management and train scheduling makes my brain hurt. Fuck biters.

A factory sim game stripped to its rawest elements. The unlimited resources allow your creativity to truly flow into your designs, but like any other factory sim you will probably make the most abhorrent unoptimizable embarrassment of a factory as possible.

The only game that can make me proud of strapping a thruster and cockpit onto four cubes and calling that a spaceship. It’s more fun with friends and god steam workshop has some crazy mods and builds.

Did you remember to build anti-nukes? No? You’re fucked.

More kindergarten, more endings. Game feels nearly identical to the first one in many ways.

Came for the shock comedy, stayed for the monstermon cards. One of my rare 100% games, you can thank MatPat for that.

Need to revisit this one. I don’t have as much nostalgia for it as the original SMG, but still a great game. The power ups are unique and memorable, even if certain level design choices feel reused.

Played this game in alpha on gamejolt back in the day. I feel like it lacks a desperately needed coat of polish. Sometimes the balance feels off with enemies and upgrades but I'm open to taking that as my own personal skill issue.

Like gamba, but only win. for real tho, its a good deck builder with plenty of synergies to explore and challenge yourself to find. a good time waster.