A beautiful follow up to the wonder that was Breath of the Wild. Masterfully develops mechanics from the previous game and overall makes the game world feel more whole. Followers are annoying and I'm playing other games right now.

Gonna say "playing" on this one because I come back to it every few months. It's my first Fromsoft game and it's very difficult but I enjoy it a lot, especially with friends who know more about the world than I do and show me cool secrets.

I'm gonna say retired here because although BOTW has an ending I felt like I could have played it forever (also I never beat calamity Ganon hehe)

A perfect game that I might not ever finish. I enjoy this game and the speed running community that surrounds it. Team Cherry are masters of art and design and Hollow Knight is some of their finest work yet. I wish I could beat White Palace but I'm simple bad.

Arguably my favorite game of all time. Toby Fox is a master of composition both in music and storytelling.


It just didn't really hold my interest like I was hoping it would. JRPG combat felt really reductive and the "edgy" tones were annoying more than they were inspired.

Good fun with the right people. Lots of quarantine memories.

Holy mother of everything I am very bad at platformers.

There's really no excuse for why I haven't finished this game yet

I'm holding off on rating until I finish this game

One of the most fresh takes on a beloved franchise in a long long time. I enjoyed my time with this one.

There's no excuse for me not having finished this game

Kind of repetitive but a good time waster.

I should really finish this game but there are other thing I would rather play