A childhood nostalgia trip. Took me forever to finish because I am bad at games.

Good when I'm in the mood for it, but that's not often. Just not my genre I suppose. I will say, I enjoy it much more with friends.

Will rate when I've finished it

Once again no excuse not to finish this one.

This review was written before the game released

Few things make me more upset than this game.

number 1 victory royale, yeah fortnite we bout to get down (get down) 10 kills on the board right now, just wiped out tomato town

Cool stuff. Oldie but a goodie.

Enjoyed my time. Never finished the third act but there's always tomorrow.

Yeah I need to finish this one. I liked it but I'm not sure when I'll revisit it. Cool story tho.

There is so much game. Arguably too much. One day I’ll come back to this game, if and only if I feel like reading the wiki front to back.

Once again farm sims are not really my speed. It was alright but I got bored.

No excuse for not finishing this one other than the fact that I bought it for my DSI then sold the DSI. I will probably replay this at some point. It's probably the best JRPG of its era if not of all time.


30ish runs in and I still haven't won once. Waiting to review until I can at least get 1 run under my belt.

It feels stupid not to log it since I've played it, but how do you review a game like this? It's the Mario, need I say more?