Played episodes 1-5 then just got bored. It does a good job extending the formula and modernizing it but this game was not meant to be run on the nintendo switch.

I've played the first 30 minutes of this game too much. I need to just finish it. Not rating it until then.

I'm almost finished with this game I need to just go back finish it. But I enjoyed my time with it thoroughly. Lots of unique bosses and cool areas and secrets.

This game was fun when it first released.

I like roguelikes but this didn't stick. Maybe it was just too bullet hell-ish

Finished in one sitting. Wild story but loved the main gameplay loop.

First few hours were fun but got bored. Too much monetization, but don't know what I expected from Hoyo.

The first of its kind, built an empire. Maybe not the best but I played the demo free on gamejolt in 2014.

I am very bad, but collecting items makes my goopy goblin brain happy.

This game was how I experienced Star Wars before watching the movies, and that gives it a special place in my heart.

I have too many hours in this game and not enough wins to show for it. But I love the synergies and combat system.

I have 800 hours in this game across two platforms and have not dead god'ed once. I don't even have all the characters unlocked. I love it.

Better than Diablo 3, but still need a bit of work. Some of the balance with gear is really off. Hopefully Blizzard gives this game the time it needs to become the best version it can be.

I put this game down when I couldn't find any puzzles I could figure out without looking up, and now it's a little too daunting to go back to. But the time I played was well spent. Plenty of "ah ha!" moments to be had.